[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/DpHipWH.png[/img] [color=bc8dbf][u][b]Nousagi Hyuuga[/b][/u] Location - Fighting Arena / Interaction - [@Syn][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] Nousagi paused, his eyes noticing that his opponent had stopped moving. In all honesty, it was probably for the best. By the time the proctor had approached him, the Hyuuga was more than ready to continue onto round two. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, normally I'd be honored, but I feel I should focus on... Other matters."[/color] Nousagi said, turning to the proctor with a smile. [color=bc8dbf]"Either way, I came here to test myself. The rank of jounin would be offered to me anyway."[/color] He nodded as he spoke, and the other ninja from the branch clan nodded as well. [color=f49ac2]"Lord Nousagi was always a shoe in for the position. A tournament like this is for others who can't prove their skill otherwise."[/color] She said, smiling at the proctor. [color=f49ac2]"But it's good to know you care."[/color] But as Nousagi soaked in his victory, he decided he should check in on the lesser of his clan. Branch member Kaijin had entered the tournament as well. A waste of such skill to be honest... The lesser of the hyuuga was clearly the strongest of the branch clan, but as Nousagi watched the fight from above, he couldn't help but notice how pathetic it all seemed. By the time it was all over, he was the first there, hands on his hips to great the branch clan. [color=bc8dbf]"Pathetic."[/color] Nousagi grinned from ear to ear. [color=bc8dbf]"Why, a real Hyuuga would have destroyed those wires easily."[/color] He smirked, smug as always. [color=bc8dbf]"But, I must admit, for the lesser ninja you actually put up a fight. That at least should be honored."[/color] Nousagi said, holding out his good hand, and tapping Kaijin on the cheek. [color=f49ac2]"Lord Nousagi, please don't tease Kaijin. I th-"[/color] The other branch member began. Only to be immediately be silenced by the black haired hyuuga. [color=bc8dbf]"Nobody asked you... Please do yourself a service and be quiet. Kaijin deserves attention from a true Hyuuga for his... Accomplishment."[/color] Nousagi snorted. [color=bc8dbf]"Now, Kaijin, lets go watch the rest of the fights."[/color] [center]_______________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KJHKbxx.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][u][b]Bumu Aka[/b][/u] Location - ALIVE in the forest of death / Interaction - [@BladeX]+[@GlitchyBugger][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] "So uh... You think this is a summon?" "Look, this thing is wearing a headband, and the other ninja isn't around. If it is a summon, we gotta fix it up anyway." Ugh... Why did Bumu's head huuurt? Why was everything blurry? The last thing the fox remembered was water filling his lungs, and then... Wait a minute! She passed out! Oh shoot! Coughing and sputtering, Bumu's eyes snapped open, just to see two medical ninja standing over him, confused and clearly trying to figure out what just happened. Checking his body, Bumu took a moment to absorb every detail. One... They where in a forest. That was obvious. Two, they beat the challenge and where being taken care of by medical shinobi. Three... Bumu was a fox. OH! The fox scampered to all fours, snapping his teeth when one of the medical ninja reached out to try and poke him. Apparently he didn't seem real enough. [color=9e0b0f]"Hey, don't poke me!"[/color] Bumu growled, looking around and preparing to hop away. Only to freeze, wincing in pain before she could even leap. Oh riiiight, broken rib. The rough patch job of a bandage made it clear they didn't exactly know how to operate on animals. The spike of pain caused the fox to stumble as the two ninja stood up, confused and concerned. "Hey uh... Is this one of your guys summons?" The first ninja asked, clearly the larger of the two as he turned to Kaba and Koma. Clearly one of them had to be responsible for the fox. "And where did your third partner go?" Bumu opted to stay quiet, mostly in a mix of panic and fear. Oh shoot, the disguise was over. Each twitch of an ear made the fox shake, slowly taking a step back, eyes on the bushes. If Bumu could get to the woods, she could recast the transformation jutsu. [center]_______________________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cFjlpPv.png[/img] [color=39b54a][u][b]Kurin Senju[/b][/u] Location - Forest of Death / Interaction - [@Altered Tundra][/color] _________________________________________________[/center] Kurin rubbed his forehead, feeling a tad dizzy after such a smack. But it seemed the team got along well. So why did Kiku suddenly run off. Shizuka was off after her before he could say a thing, leaving Kurin wondering just how Shizuka knew about his ability to track others. Well, it sounded useful, but considering this was a forest, Kurin have better means. The blindness cost him a few seconds, which alone made this annoying. But as the blindness vanished, he knew he should get the plan going. Rubbing his eyes, he nodded to Jaakuna, still not speaking. His throat was too badly damaged at the moment, but that'd heal. He just had to focus on his other tracking technique, one better suited for such a dense forest. [b]Wood Release: Root Sensing Disturbances[/b]. Placing his hands on the nearest tree, Kurin began to focus. His chakra pushed into the trees, and suddenly, his senses where alive. The roots of the forest mixed together, interwoven like a net. His mind connected to each tree, mapping out the area around him, and somewhat beyond. He could feel each time another ninja tried to jump from branch to branch, and even the ground they walked on as long as roots where buried beneath. But as far as Kurin could be concerned right now, this was the advantage the team needed over the others. If they knew where everybody else was, they could attack and defend better. This connection made his detection skills immeasurable here. In fact, he couldn't detect any wildlife, except for one fox... Weird. Otherwise, all humans. He'd know as soon as anybody approached them. Or tried to attack his allies. Pulling his hand away, the forest ninja took a step back. The forest of death was a bit of a blessing, as he now only had a few teams of humans to keep track of, rather than a whole mess of wildlife. He turned to Jaakuna, silently miming his success. With the two of them, Jaakuna could easily handle any kind of offensive combat. Kurin though, he was in his element. [u][b]The whole forest has been connected to Kurin's senses. All inside are now tracked.[/b][/u]