[center][h1] [color=fff200]Collaboration Post part one[/color] [/h1][/center] Brienna followed Elizabeth and she rode in the carriage with her majesty. The others rode in another carriage following behind them. Behind those there were carriages full of clothes and money and other such commodities. There were six in total and Elizabeth's carriage was the second one. As always Brienna and the queen had several knives conveniently placed on them just in case. There had been only one time the royal carriage had been breached and it was the only time Brienna had ever had to pull one of her knives on someone. In the end it saved them and since then Elizabeth took her everywhere. Brienna had seen Jason and she was having trouble stopping her blushing as she thought about him. They hadn't gotten very far down the road when Elizabeth began teasing her about him. They weren't but two hours away when it happened. Jason sighed as he held onto the Queen's carriage. It was a rather boring few hours as they travelled down the empty dirt roads and Jason began to think this was all he had to do. [color=ed1c24]"This is the lamest job I've ever had in my life,"[/color] he mumbled to himself. He held on tight to the carriage while keeping his shield close to his side and watched the land slowly go by. He thought back to the sergeant informing them about the bandits and scoffed. [color=ed1c24]"Like they'll actually attack a freaking Queen. What dumb bastard would even think about doing tha-"[/color] he was cut off as a howl of pain echoed throughout the air and a nearby guard fell off his mount. He landed like a sack of rocks as he crashed into the ground head first. Jason was confused at the man's fall, but his eyes widened with shock to see a bolt buried within his chest. Brienna was on alert as she was everytime they travelled. Elizabeth had a lot of enemies and she refused to marry so it made her a larger target. When Brienna heard the first scream she stuck her head to the window on that side of the carriage and she saw the first guard fall. Looking at Elizabeth she told her, [color=f6989d]"Remove your jewels and put them in the cubby."[/color] There were several hiding spots in the carriage for just such emergencies. Brienna put her crown in her own pocket. [color=39b54a]"Ambush!"[/color] the sargent roared as he raised his sword to halt the carriages. Before Jason knew it several ragged, bloodthirsty men charged form the brushes with a horrid war cry. Jason jumped from the carriage and unsheathed his sword as the first bandit clashed swords with a mounted guard. Jason felt his heart pound and his breath become heavy as a lone bandit broke from the main charge and directed himself towards the Queens carriage. He just had to cut down Jason to get there. Jason tightened his grip on his sword and raised his sheild up to ready for his enemy's attack. Brienna saw Jason between the carriage and the enemy. Normally they didn't stop if attacked so that must mean that there was something in the road blocking them. [color=f6989d]"Put my cloak on we are getting out."[/color] Elizabeth pulled her hair out of it's updo and Brienna put hers up in a higher fashion. Brienna took the royal cloak and Elizabeth took the coffee grounds and put them into her hair darkening it. Leaving her hair down and letting it dry that way she just looked like a noblewoman. Brienna glanced out the side of the carriage that the fighting was not on and she and Elizabeth got out quietly and took off into the woods. [color=ed1c24]"Show me what ya got!"[/color] he barked before blocking the bandits dull sword with a grunt. He pushed the attack off with gritted teeth and felt his body move for him as he sent his word under his sheild and towards the bandits gut. He felt his sword enter the bandits flesh and felt a wave of realization wash over him. He lowered his sheild and watched as the bandit fell to the ground, void of any signs of life. He just killed a man. Jason only stared at the body with shock and a hint of guilt, but he was brought back to the battle as a bloodied guard ran to his side. [color=f7941d]"Oi, help me with a few bastards on my tail!"[/color] he shouted. Jason turned around to see three more bandits charging towards the two. He gritted his teeth and raised his shield with his sword resting on top. The two guards let out a roar before charging forward towards their enemies. He had to protect the Queen. He had to protect his angel. Brienna and the queen heard the fighting and the screams and it was all Brienna could do to keep Elizabeth safe. She kept her hidden and eventually someone must have gotten to the carriage or seen them leave because she heard men running in the woods looking for them and they were not the good guys. Jasons sword plunged into the bandits chest and he stumbled back as his sword slipped from the corpse. He winced from a blow to his ribs, but could tell nothing was broken. He would be sore for days. He looked to the guard who had asked for his help and felt his anger rise as a bandit finished him off by slitting his throat with a dagger. [color=ed1c24]"Bastard!"[/color] he shouted and charged forward with his sword held high, but before he could get close he was knocked off his feet and landed on his back with a heavy thud. He gasped for breath as the air had been emptied from his lungs and attempted to pick himself up, but was halted as a bandit placed his boot onto his chest and forced him back to the ground. The bandit sneered at Jason as he raised his hammer high into the air, ready to smash his skull in, but before he could bring it down a spear plunged through his chest. He let out a wail before collapsing to the ground in a bloody heap. Jason looked towards his savior and saw that it was the sergeant. The sergeant ran over to Jason and yanked him onto his feet while pulling the spear from the dead bandit. [color=39b54a]"No time to waste boy, return to the Queen and protect-"[/color] he was cut off as several high pitched screams filled the battlefield. They both looked towards the screams and spotted the servants and maids that had been brought along attempting to keep the bandits at bay with whatever they had. The sergeant growled in frustration and pulled Jason in close. [color=39b54a]"Protect the Queen at all cost, let not one bastard touch a single strand of hair on her head. Understood!?"[/color] Jason quickly nodded with a stern look and both the guards broke away from each other. Jason towards the Queen's carriage and the sargent towards the endangered servants and maids. Jason soon returned to the carriage, but felt his heart sink as he saw a few bandits climbing in. [color=ed1c24]"Brienna!"[/color] he roared and charged towards the carriage with an enraged war cry. A bandit looked over his shoulder in time to meet Jasons sword tearing into his chest. He gasped from shock, but fell without any words. His allies saw his fate and yelled with anger as they jumped from the carriage. They never attacked though as a bandit shouted and motioned for them to follow him into the woods. The others seemed upset by his orders, but followed them and retreated into the woods. Any remaining guards cheered in victory and watched with pride at their fleeing foes. Though Jason just watched with shock. He felt... numb. It was like he had changed realities. He slowly looked himself over and shook his head at the blood that stained his armor and weapons. His eyes soon floated along the battlefield and felt sorrow at the lifeless bodies that covered the bloody ground. He then caught the sight of the carriage and sprung into action. He climbed up the carriage with dread and looked inside to see no one. He quickly jumped out and began to look around the battlefield in desperation. [@Joker892]