[u]Is this acceptable?[/u] Full Name: "I'd tell you if I cold remember." Alias: Lady Nonsense Age: Appears to be 25-35 Gender: Female Occupation: Beggar (Former Zea Captain) Description: Of short stature with an athletic fitness suggesting nimbleness and flexibility. Her hair is faintly red, long and often in tangles, keeping it out of her eyes. She is always adorned in and old, but well-aged navy blue captain's uniform, complete with polished boots, captain's hat, and an old pistol at her side which on close inspection has no trigger. On the breast of the captain's coat where one would traditionally find badges, medals and other honors, is instead an array of strange mundane trinkets such as coins, lenses, leaves, teeth, feathers, tails, anything that could be found on the streets; these items seem to change from day to day. Personality: Her name was granted to her by her fellow scoundrels and virtuoso of Spite and Veilgarden. She is known for strange behavior in the pursuit of nonsensical motives. Lady Nonsense seems wise and level-headed to most who briefly meet her, but a secure bet is she will reveal her mad antics before sixty seconds have elapsed. She often goes prowling through the alleys of Spite for black cats, speaking gibberish to herself all the while. When lucid she is respectable -- if but a shade tarry from a life on the zea -- but on frequent occasion her eyes widen and seem overcome with a glaze; she begins speaking in rhyme, often unrelated to the topic at hand. When it's all done, she claims to not remember a lick of it. Her most favorite pastime is telling grand tales of how she was awarded the many odds and ends on her coat. On a good day the stories are believable, most days they are not. Skills: An expert zeaman and charismatic speaker to crowds. Physically fit and very nimble. Second to her zailing skills is her knack for theft, usually from just under the nose of her mark during a telling of a tale of the zea. And no zailor would be worth the salt on which she zails without proper finesse with a blade, preferably a rapier. She does not own one, but she could make quick work of any score of pirate zailors. (At least she believes so.) Lastly she seems to be without terror, that is not to say she is unshakable by fear. She can be startled, disturbed and may even flee a fearsome foe, but she shows no fear in the face of true horror. Some account her resistance to terror comes from her fondness of speaking with the cats of Spite. Weaknesses: It may go without saying, Lady Nonsense is critically mad and often delusional. Her impaired thinking along with a poor memory make her a difficult follower. It is often necessary to remind her of your identity every time you meet her. She does not focus well on simple tasks; the less she has to focus on, the more difficult it is. She does especially poorly when speaking with someone alone. Speaking with Lady by oneself feels as though you are speaking with multiple different people about an equal number of seemingly unrelated topics. Her greatest flaw might be her lust for eldritch knowledge. Her mind is as frail as a human's should be, but yet she actively seeks this type of forgotten lore. Her desire for dark learning often leads her to danger and may even bring her to betray those close to her if the promise of occult secrets is grand enough. Brief History: Lady Nonsense most often claims to have been raised on the zea, if anything she says is true, is is possible she is known by many names across the Unterzea. If you ask the few people in London who know her closely, they would tell you she was not always mad. Then they would tell the tale of when she zailed away from the docks of London with a crew of twenty, to return a year later without her crew and her mind drastically altered. She'd even forgotten her name, but then again when anyone else attempted to call it to mind, they found the thing unknowable. Since then she wanders the streets of Spite and Veilgarden exchanging her stories for bits of change and stealing what she needs from the unsuspecting.