When Holden sat, Izzy angled herself so she slightly faced him. She watched him for a short moment as he took in the portrait of nature around them, before he replied. “Well,” she began thoughtfully, leaning so her back rested against the bench, her jacket thick enough to stave off the chill of their seat, “I’m honored I get to see them. They look great.” She cocked her head in curiosity when Holden continued to look around. She blinked in surprise at his comment about the area having changed. “[i]Really?[/i]” Brows raised dubiously, she glanced around again, wondering what he saw in the neighborhood that she did not. Izzy glanced to him when he returned the question to her. The corners of her mouth twitched down in a scowl. “Getting some air. Away from my demonic brothers.” She heaved a frustrated sigh at the thought. “Need any help with your errand?” she asked hopefully. If this place would not provide the distraction she needed, then maybe Holden’s company would.