[hider=Edelfelt] [center][h2]Janika Edelfelt[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5eInZAQ_d.jpg?maxwidth=740&fidelity=high[/img][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Personality:[/b] At a glance, she appears to be the ‘perfect beauty’. Soft-spoken and amicable to those that approach her, Janika could very well be called a ‘kindly Ojou-sama’ type — she sometimes appears to thoughtlessly flaunt her wealth, and the way she speaks and acts certainly lends credence to the image of ‘high-class lady’ she appears to cultivate just by existing, but if questioned, she would say with absolute honesty that such things are not her intention, and she is merely acting how she was taught to. Sometimes, however, that perfectly cultivated image of class just. . .cracks. Perhaps it is a word spoken out of turn. Maybe it is her tone taking on a rougher tilt. Maybe it would just be the way she holds herself. This is perhaps a reminder that, no matter how hard one tries, some tendencies just cannot be curbed. Nonetheless, she attempts to live by the ideas her family instilled in her. Grace in her every step, elegance in her every motion and eloquence in her every word, beauty in each gesture. Ruthlessness in her every decision, coldness against every enemy, cunning in her every deal. Those were the principles she was raised with, those were the principles she would follow to her last breath, even if she might sometimes stumble along the way. Her nobility is easily seen from a mile away — and her words would do little more than reaffirm it, regardless of her being in one of the rougher moments or not. In the end, however, she is not cruel. Calculating, perhaps. Manipulative even. And she would not deny to be pragmatic enough to exploit her own appearance and hide her intentions beneath a beatific smile and a kind word. But she has never taken any pleasure in deceiving anyone, and most likely she never will, nor has she ever thought to lord her superiority over others. It is not that she is humble — far from it, in fact. But what is the point of spouting what should already be known as a fact? Yes, she is better — family, connections, wealth, talent. . .if it is conceivable, she would possess it, but that is no reason to gloat — it is simply how the world worked. You would not be proud of getting up every morning, so why should she be proud of something equally natural? To be superior is merely the way things are. At the same time, she is also not kind — she would give no second thought to the idea of leaving someone behind if they proved a dead weight, and she would certainly not lose any sleep over any betrayal, but those weren't things to be proud of — merely tasks to get done. No more, no less, and she has never seen the world any differently. Rather, it is her duty to do as she sees fit, it is her duty to further herself and her family even at the expense of others, it is her duty to be the proper Lady Magus of there ever was one — and that is really all there is to it. Sometimes she ponders if it could have been any different if life had thrown her a different lot, but she always dismisses the thought with the same quickness as it came — to bring glory to the family name, to perpetuate the line, to further their work. Those are the duties she has taken upon herself, the responsibilities thrust in her hands from an early age, and there is no reason to shirk away from them or ponder on useless ‘what ifs’. The only thing that matters is the here and now, and those who try to run away from it are no more than fools. Perhaps most interestingly, she lacks any real wish to make upon the Grail — her sole desire is to bring glory to her family and further their standing, so any one thing she could ask for would be ‘for the sake of the Edelfelt name’ should she achieve victory. Or at least, so she tells herself. [b]Biography:[/b] Relatively young, she is one of the two current heirs to the Edelfelt family of magi, a proud lineage of Finnish descent. There is not really much to say about her other than the obvious — from the moment of her birth, her life had been set ahead of her, and all that was expected was that she’d follow through the motions. And so, she did, with nary a complaint. While in her younger years she often snapped at people with a fiery temper and a glare to match, she was soon taught to hold her emotions locked deep within instead of wearing them on her sleeve — even if sometimes the task proves a tad harder than others. She dedicated her life to follow the path of the Magus, pursuing the ideal with her full efforts, perhaps out of a sense of filial love, perhaps because it was the only thing she had ever known. Regardless, the fact remained — she excelled, though that much was already beyond doubt. Growing up as she did would perhaps be called boring, though she preferred the term ‘safely predictable’. Her life was confined to a small set of variables — and that, she could work with. Never really giving much thought to what awaited her beyond the obvious, she seemed content to study the craft and quietly continuing to work. However, when the news came to them of the opportunity to wage war against the Tohsakas, Einzberns and Matous on their precious backwater, to steal from them that great artifact, their vaunted ‘Holy Grail’, it was an injection of ‘something new’ into what was once a drab, colorless world. She did not dislike the idea, not really. The thought of summoning legendary figures from ages past in order to engage in battle for a wish, stealing everything those three owned in the process? It might not have been her that devised the plan, but she certainly found it an interesting venture — and if that required her to get her hands dirty, it was something she could live with. Perhaps, a voice in the back of her mind whispered, she could even learn to enjoy it. [b]Family History:[/b] Edelfelt [b]Origin:[/b] Duplicity [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Water and Fire [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] B [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] A [b]Od:[/b] A [b]Magecraft:[/b] [i]Conversion:[/i] Family attribute of the Edelfelt. Strictly speaking, the name covers the concept itself, but it is best known for its conduciveness to Jewel Magecraft. The capability that allows for the Edelfelt to place magical energy into other substances, enduring outside of the body. [i]Ore Scales:[/i] Sorcery Trait of the Edelfelt. The Crest is shared. The two Masters are one. The moon in the night sky is mirrored in the surface of the lake. Two sisters multiply each other's power. [i]Scandinavian Curses:[/i] Simply oriented around physical effects of harm. Does not include those other possibilities such as attacking the mind, causing decay, inverting causality, resonating with similarities, and so on. The specialization is, of course, the single-action curse known as Gandr. Through overcharging, release of a more powerful "Finn Shot" is possible. At the maximum output, even stopping a heart is possible. [i]Conversion (Traits):[/i] Deals with the ability of shifting the nature of something into something else, more appropriate to deal with the situation at hand. Generally, this could be a called a mix of the Conversion trait of the Edelfelts with Jewel Magecraft and Alteration — in simple terms, storing preset spells in Jewels in order to be able to Alter something at a moment's notice, a habit that doubtlessly owes to her nature as ‘someone who changes according to the situation’. Akin to enchantments in a video game, the Jewels are able to confer ‘traits’ or ‘attributes’ to what she sees fit, such as ‘a sword becoming a fire-sword’ or other such examples. There are, of course, limits depending on the quality and number of jewels at her disposal, but she would like to think that those are the last two things she would need to worry about. It is hardly anything flashy — but that is fine by her as is. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Jewels:[/i] Eight Jewels that doubtlessly can be called ‘A-Rank’, suffused with Magical Energy, although they do not yet hold any Alteration spell. At the same time, she also possesses four others, two of which have been supercharged with both her elements, her mother’s own Lightning suffusing the other two. Though she has crafted two more through excess Prana throughout her lifetime and inherited another as a last gift, however, those remain tied to her Mystic Code. [i]Mystic Code: Argent[/i] On the surface, a lady cane — certainly high quality silver and of fine craftsmanship and make, decorative enough. However, the three jewels inset on the handle and body allow her to quickly and efficiently summon forth elemental barrages against those that cross her. She will admit to not be the sort of savant her sister is — but that is just fine, and her efforts are mainly oriented towards ‘support’ more than anything else. [i]Skills[/i]: She shines in terms of negotiations, by far the more gregarious and diplomatic of the two, and although her raw physical power — even if cheating herself — is outshone by her sister, she does have a fair grasp and training on hand-to-hand and knows how to use her body and her cane to great extent — she can (and oftentimes does) aptly wield it as a staff. In terms of ‘skill’, she ranks higher — after all, it is also a Lady’s duty to know how to properly put down undesirables.[/hider]