The Human race has been extinct for many years now. With humans gone, animals began to evolve. Over many years, animals became smarter and independent. No longer were their homes being destroyed. Some animals took over the cities and towns. It was slow at first and it was hardly noticeable but over many generations animals became anthropomorphic. Not only did the animals became as smart as humans, some species even smarter, but they took their machines, their technology, their science and they improved it. New governments rose up, temporary at first and together they discussed which species were the best to run the cities, to keep everything under control. Who would maintain the rules and balance. For the longest time there were debates who which species were higher class than others and it constantly changed. First it were Lions because they were loyal, dolphins because they were smart, Elephants because they were strong and many other species but it changed then changed again until eventually there was an agreement. The government became made up of the most smartest and most logical of animals. These were Rabbits, Dolphins, Turtles, Salamanders, Hawks, Falcons and a few other species. Species such as pigs, cows and chickens never changed. Animals still had to eat and while 'human' food had been altered for animals there were still animals who enjoyed fresher meat like the old days. It was healthier for them, more natural. So 'farm' animals as humans called them were bred and killed for higher class, richer predators. Animals such as rats, mice, beetles and ants became 'vermin' to all the other animals. They were made into slaves, forced to work for the higher class. Either shoved into the mines or forced to do something dangerous. Those that didn't fall to slavery became criminals. Some of the worse scum the cities ever knew. There were rebellions, terrorists attacks and riots but in the end the criminal empire kept scurrying back underground. Now, there are rumors that changes have to be made. Certain animals say that different species are gathering together to start the first world animal war to make things right, to stop slavery and the slaughter of thousands of innocents. Although everything has been reasonably quiet for a long time, none of the higher ups suspect a thing. They have no idea what is about to happen. So this is my idea so far, who's interested?