A silent scream painted her face as they grabbed the receptionist by the throat and drained her vocal capabilities. Any skill and knowledge that she had in language communication now they had. Then they saw a black man pointing a green ringed finger at them, as if to threaten. That item must have some magical properties. Maybe they would get around to collecting it, with time... He started speaking, the receptionist's voice and way of talking could be heard coming from the jester. It was as if the receptionist was under the mask and costume talking. [color=8A2BE2]"I mean no harm and I really didn't mean to do that to her. I mean like, she can't speak anymore now after the spell but it's not like she can't get a voice but I still needed a way to talk to you all."[/color] This voice was obnoxious. Did she talk like this normally? Maybe while in high school? They were most likely stuck with he way she spoke when she was a teen. And it was messing with their head, mixing their words to give way to this crappy way of talking. But a voice was all they needed. Grading the voice, deepness, tone, frequency they achieved an equal, androgynous emotionless voice. They also started using only the most crucial words that they needed to convey what they wanted and nothing excessive. [color=8A2BE2]"As I was saying, I mean no harm to you or your people. I come from another place to warn you of a dangerous creature that escaped from our world. One look at them and people cease to live. Being near them causes mass hysteria and terror. I lost track of the thing an hour ago. It seems to have gone into hiding. I need your help in finding it. For your world's sake."[/color]