Opening his eyes a sudden painful feeling hit him in the head. Hangovers never change. Opening his eyes and looking around he wondered where had his tipsy mind carried him when he was in a drunken state. White walls, white sheets and only a door. Looking down at his clothes...the same, but something was missing, his locket. It had a picture of him and his daughter. Those bastards dared take that away? Who were they anyway? Another wave of pain crashed through his head as he remembered...remembered going somewhere, signing something then falling flat on the floor, passed out. *Sigh* He had to get out of here. Getting up he went for the door only to see it was locked. Did he sign up to be a prisoner? Hitting the door a few times, it was sturdy. A console placed on the side containing numbers. Seeing that they also allowed him to open it from the inside they must have left a code somewhere. He searched for half an hour. Numbers were scribbled below the bed, there was a very complicated rubric's cube sitting on the floor which only worsened his headache just by looking at it and a note below his pillow. "From the smallest to the biggest everything obeys an order." Smallest? Biggest? Order? Numbers? A damn rubic's cube? Nothing. He had better chances going to sleep and waking later to see if they opened the door for him. Out of frustration he hit the wall. Only his hand suffered damage. Now red and throbbing in sync with his head he sat down on the edge of the bed. An idea hit him. He started knocking all across the room in every wall until he got close to the door. Right there was an empty spot. Maybe a clue to get out of here? He knocked around some more until he had the general layout of the thin wall, he took a few steps back and charged for the target. He went right through the wall, crashing outside of the room. What the.. He looked around, a long hallway. He looked back to his room, right behind the door which was supposedly the only way out, a thick wall stood there. Hell, even if he opened the door he wouldn't get out that way. Damn sons of bitches would put random ass fake clues just to waste his time. And it would've worked if he wasn't so wasted and if he wasn't suffering from such a painful headache he could barely stand to look at numbers. Now, where to next...