Asura nodded as things seemed to calm before the alarms sounded. [i]"then we have a agre...."[/i] Alarms started blaring and sound of muffled thuds of battle distant beyond the meeting chambers and command centre to find the station. [i]"the adept can handle himself. Right now we have to defend this station. Chapter master. Will you help me hold the point, our new allies can prove them selves if reliable. " [/i] Powering the blade of the gurdians spear and grabbing the heavy storm sheild locked ahead in the close qauters battle style of the warders. Advancing to defend the doorway Aura loaded held the spear ready to let loose a steam of explosive bolts at any foe of the emparor who dared stand against him. Booming out with the helmet vox echoing down the corridor. [i]"enemies of the emparor. Your time has come to die." [/i] [@lancegames10] [@caliban22][@Dealdric]