The bunnies died satisfactory deaths, many at the hands of her allies, but Moordekrai herself added to the bodycount by using the simplest of blood magicks; injuring herself to injure them. Except their wounds were far more grievous, of course. As the arrows started to fly, two soldiers in plate armor were cut down by an invisible force that tore fierce gashes in their chests, though none of that was visible behind their cuirasses. To the rest of the bunnies, it must have looked as if they dropped dead and wailed their last gurgled screams for no reason at all. While all hell broke loose around her, Moordekrai dashed forward and crouched over the bodies. She cut another fresh slice into her palm and pressed her hand against their slack jaws, pouring her blood down their throats. A horrible, unnatural light began to shine in their eyes as they opened and the two bunny knights got their feet with slow, cumbersome movements. Using the Speech, Moordekrai whispered instructions in their ears. The two zombies turned on their heels and advanced [i]towards[/i] the mages, plodding but implacable, and Moordekrai allowed herself a small smile at the necromancy. Bunnies were always so squeamish around their own walking dead. Predictably, the sight of the zombies drew an unreasonable amount of attention and the mages, first to realize what was going on, bellowed for the undead to be cut down and began flinging their own spells at them -- but what has already died does not lay down so easily the second time. Animated by Moordekrai's dark magic, the corpses continued onwards even as lightning shocked them and fireballs hit them, and it took the concentrated effort of three living bunnies to hack them apart with their swords, wasting precious time they [i]really[/i] couldn't afford. "Boo," Moordekrai said, having suddenly appeared like a spectre amidst the circle of distracted mages. Blood ran down her limbs as tattoos that criss-crossed her entire body began to glow. The mages screamed as they went up in flames. Moordekrai pulled back Ghrokesh's seal ever-so-briefly and allowed a single blast of roiling Hellfire to explode outwards from her body, accompanied by a horrifying roar that shook the leaves from the trees with its force and put the fear of God into the hearts of every bunny in a mile radius. The mages had not been expecting a magical attack and subsequently failed to protect themselves against one, and once they noticed Moordekrai had slipped in among them, it was far too late. The very flesh was seared off their bones in an instant. Before Ghrokesh was allowed to completely take over Moordekrai put her iron will to good used and closed the seal with tremendous effort. Her tattoos burned with bright light and flames danced in her braided hair for a few seconds as Ghrokesh clawed and fought for control, dearly wishing to wreak havoc and sate his lust, but the hellish light quickly disappeared and Moordekrai went back to looking like a normal Orc. Well... as normal as she [i]usually[/i] looked. She gasped for breath and sank to her knees. It was a potentially dangerous moment of weakness but her display had frightened the bunnies into inaction, and as the muddy ground returned to its normal state (now freed from the magical influence of the mages) the ranks of Nar Mat Kordh-Ishi were able to march forward. It would have been safer to take them down with blood magic, but this was unequivocally faster, and the opening created by her allies and her necromancy had been too perfect to pass up.