Kan Ironhead waited in the tree. He held his crossbow at the ready. He knew the plan and what to do. They very carefully told Kan that he had to wait for the wagon to pass under him before attacking. He knew that Rook was held prisoner in the cage. His blood was boiling. He wanted nothing more than to shoot the bolt into the wagon driver's eye. But he must wait... Waiting was hard for Kan. He held his breath as the wagon and it's guards passed under him. None of them looked up. Nobody ever looks up. He waited.. There! The signal was given. Kan shot his bolt into the rear guard's back. Then he jumped from the tree pulling his large battleaxe off of his back. "It's a rescue! It's a rescue!" He swung his mighty battleaxe with both hands, killing another surprised guard. [i]Rook, Kan is coming![/i]