Ladies, Gentlemen, Assorted and Zoidberg, meet the Avatar you're all going to have to spend the RPG protecting/teaching/flirting with until she's powerful enough to protect herself. [hider=CS] [center][hr] [h1][color=556CAB]Avatar Rosai[/color][/h1] [hr] [img][/img] [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]General Information[/color][/h2] Name: Rosai Gender: Female Age: 22 Bender or Non-Bender: Bender (Avatar) Nationality: Sandbender Tribes Height: 1.67m/5'5" Weight: 54kg/120lbs Appearance/clothing style: Though thin, her traditional sandbender clothing conceals much of her body. Usually clad in a loose shirt and pants, Rosai wears a robe over that as well as strips of cloth around her lower arms, lower legs and neck. She keeps a turban wrapped around her head in the desert sun, though traditionally leaves the part around her face loose, like sandbender women are expected to do. She possesses a sun visor. When properly dressed, very little of her body is visible, usually only her two braids of brown hair from the back of her turban and her cheeks beneath the visor. She's otherwise thin, with darker skin, brown eyes and dusty brown hair. A spattering of freckles line her cheekbones. She's noticeably underweight, her thin frame making it easier for her to throw herself around with bending. [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]Personal Information[/color][/h2] Positive personality traits: Optimistic, persistent and observant. Negative personality traits: Loose understanding of property, poor understanding of other cultural standards, and eats lots of food quickly when she can. Role: Avatar (In training) History: Born to the chief of a sandbender commune based around a oasis in the Si Wong Desert, Rosai didn't care much about following in her mother's footsteps and caring for the tribe. Instead, she followed her father and brothers out on their raiding trips, and soon became as adept with a sand sailor as any man. Thankfully, her sister was more than willing to train at their mother's side, and soon Rosai became known as somewhat of an ill-fitted tomboy. It wasn't true, of course. She loved being a woman in the commune, but had an incredible wanderlust that only grew when she figured out how to use airbending to jump and climb further and faster than her peers. Her tribe cares little for the outside world, but she's made up her mind to make any sort of deal that will let her see places beyond the desert she's only heard stories about; the Misty Palms, the beetle-heads, and even the city of stone. Special interests/skills/hobbies: While being a master sandbender, Rosai has learned to use airbending to lift herself in jumps and catch herself when she's falling. If anyone pointed that out to her, she'd hardly believe it. In her mind, she's just that acrobatic and that athletic. Relationships: Besides her extended family, that makes up the commune she was born in, Rosai knows people from all the sandbender tribes. A few of them have started calling her a desert spirit, partly due to the ribbon-shaped spirits that follow her when she runs, and secondly because she appears and disappears entirely on her own whims. Anything else worth mentioning: Rosai has a pet tigerdillo named Pavana, who's grown lean and quick in the years of keeping up with Rosai across the desert plains. [hider=Pavana][img][/img][/hider][/center] [/hider]