All I really want to get across, j8cob, is that when these things come up I'm struck with the foreboding feeling that the only people talking are a vocal minority who want to shout the loudest because they have all these personal gripes, while the vast majority of the site is perfectly content with how things are and feel no need to engage in the debate. If the people laying down the critique can't handle critique, then it highlights a larger issue. I think the moment you open the doors and start questioning how things are run, people like me are perfectly in the right to question your motivations. The worst thing that could occur in my eyes is the moderators don't see anyone on the site who have any concerns with all these proposed changes, so they start making concessions to a vocal minority that don't have the best interests of the site as a whole at heart. I mean, considering Mahz has most of the power and he is admittedly an absentee Dad, it's only a slight possibility, but it still exists.