"Shades!" Terrick cursed as he looked up in time to see an arrow plunge into the carriage driver's chest. His adrenaline surged as his training and instincts took over and he jumped up next to the driver who was starting to slump forward. "FORWARD!" he hollered over the sudden chaos, knowing they needed to get past the spot of the ambush immediately. He slapped the driving reins against the horse's rump and the animal sprung forward, jerking the carriage so hard that those inside the moving prison were thrown to the back in a jumbled mess of limbs and shackles. [i]It's a rescue![/i] Rook heard the cry as she struggled to untangle herself from the other prisoners. [i]Kan?![/i] The dark-haired ranger was filled suddenly with hope that she might escape whatever unpleasant fate awaited her at Lord Octa's fortress, but also with fear for her would-be rescuers. An assault against these well armed and armored men would likely cost dearly in injuries or even lives. "Kan! Lookout!" she cried as she managed to extricate herself enough to look out the back bars in time to see Kan down one of the guards just as another of Octa's men swung a heavy club toward her friend. But a sudden gust of wind kicked up enough snow that she could no long see. By the time it cleared, the carriage had pulled far enough ahead that it's torchlight no longer reached the skirmish taking place behind.