Darya watched the magic with a light in her eyes. She didn’t have much in the way of a home before this, and at least this place fed her on a regular basis. She watched the ceremony, or at least that’s what she called it in her head, with rapt attention until Toma called their attention. Darya clapped avidly, her mouth opening like she was going to speak but then closing before any sound came out. Not that any sound could come out, she hadn’t uttered a sound since she was two years old, not that she remembered that. Darya wouldn’t make another sound until she was much older but at that moment she didn’t know that either. She just knew that what they did was amazing and she wanted to do that, and if that meant staying here then she’d do everything in her power to make that happen. She looked around to the other kids...who looked bored and annoyed. She frowned at that, wondering how they weren’t amazed by the actual magic that happened in front of them. Darya sighed and looked back at Toma, waiting to see what else there was in store for them, since she was sure it was going to be amazing.