[color=39b54a][center][h2][i][u]Shizuka Ichimi[/u][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v0nMG5u.gif[/img][/center] [Center][COLOR=39b54a][sup][b]Konohagakure | Chūnin | Breezy-nin[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=39b54a][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Morning[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Forest of Death[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@LadyinInk][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] There was something off about Kiku, she was never this unhinged or angry. Even when Shizuka would unintentionally provoke her she always seemed to take it with a grain of salt and understood the method behind his not so madness. He was confused and angry at himself for he figured he must have done something wrong to send her into such a spiral tirade.[color=39b54a] “Kiku…I don’t think you heard everything he had to say. You’re hurt! Let me take care of you. You shouldn’t be walking on fresh injuries.”[/color] Shizuka prayed. [color=39b54a]“He did say we had to fight each other but it was optional. I’m sure the other teams are staying together as well. I don’t want to hurt you either so please, just please let me help you.”[/color] Shizuka pleaded with the blind girl. First his teammates back at the entrance and now Kiku, what was he turning into? Life seemed so much easier when his head was in the clouds and the wind at his side. Her eyes were wet like clouds about to explode with rain. The revelation contorted Shizuka’s heart, her pain was quickly becoming her pain. It was as if someone stabbed a dagger into his chest and pulled it out. How many times did they do this song and dance? It seemed they worked in tandem with the laws of magnets, they were always drawn in so close to each other. With the scurrying wind of the forest blowing through them, they exchanged all five senses in that moment even if her vision wasn’t so well. The wind brought to him her sweet soothing scent of lavender, but now it was mixed with the saltiness of sweat and charred skin. His eyes met hers and the wind didn’t anything but lower the heat flash he was feeling. More sweat beaded on his eyebrow and forehead while his heartbeat echoed in his ears. This only happened last time they got close, when she yelled at him for being so reckless in the second room. Her cool hands touched the sides of his face almost trembling, transporting him to another world. There was an unfamiliar feeling in the pits of his stomach. It were as if butterflies were flying around on the inside. Was this what his parents told him about before he left for Konoha? Their lessons in life weren’t completely wasted on him. Everything they taught him he reserved in the back of his head, it was only through these continued challenges and experiences did they come forward and changed subtle little nuances in Shizuka’s mind. Kiku was closer than before, her lips seemed to almost gravitate towards his own, her breath was deep and felt hot on his skin. But just like that she pushed off his chest pulling away from him before instantly collapsing, he body was still in pain and in need of therapy. The bitter confusion hurt him, but also eluded him due to his naivety. With the gust of wind brought another lucid image of his past. [color=39b54a][i]”Father why do you and mom put your faces together like that?[/i][/color] His father caught off guard like most parents when asked about adult learnings. For the once great chief of the Samurai he was only ever caught off guard by his precarious son. [color=39b54a][i]“Well you see when two people love each other a great deal. They show it by kissing. You’ll know when you found love when you see it at first sight. You’re completely exposed to that person for better or worse and you constantly think about them first. Especially when you start to get weird feelings inside of you, like butterflies in your stomach.[/i] Butterflies? [i]”That’s weird! You’re silly papa I don’t have butterflies in my stomach.”[/i][/color] his memory faded with the two of them giggling in a fit of shared bonding. [color=39b54a][i]”But I thought they told me love was for people you care about like Kurin and Jaakuna as well? So there’s two types of love then….butterflies?”[/i][/color] Kiku’s rigid fighting pose and loaded comments brought Shizuka back to the forest of death. Rather than say anything Shizuka’s face was burning with conviction, his eyes practically on fire. There was no rebuttal and no attempt at dissuading the girl, he knew what he had to do. Walking briskly up to her grabbing her palm with one hand and reaching for the other arm behind her back before pulling her into to him. There was no hesitation only the two of their lips meeting. Birds fluttered away at the exposition that Shizuka ushered in with a moment of serene silence following suite. [color=39b54a]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color]