@Redward how's this? [b]Name:[/b] Fred Bell [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Appearance I:[/b] Average height, thin runner's build, blue eyes and short curly brown hair, premature laugh-lines around his eyes, high cheekbones, likes to wear colourful jackets, wears (needs) plain wire frame glasses. [b] Personality:[/b] bubbly, free-flowing, just a bunch of water puns [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]History:[/b] "It's all footnotes to getting this magic mask." [b]Semblance Type:[/b] [i]UN[/i]FETTERED [b]Semblance Appearance:[/b] A simple oval shaped mask, made of a thin layer of water that holds its form until pressed onto a face; it will burst like a water balloon (minus the balloon, so... like water) when put on, followed by Fred's whole body and anything on him. [b]Semblance Abilities:[/b] [s]the water type that fire is super effective against[/s] [b][i]Like the waters[/i][/b]: Fred can dissolve his body into water (and reform it!). His clothes and possessions on his body come with him, there are limits to what can take, his wallet goes with him, but if he grabs a railing before he turns he doesn't take the building too. In this form he is not a puddle, instead he can project his body with substantial speed and pressure. Mainly this grants him mobility and durability, but there are some offensive applications too. [indent] [i]Water tension is magic[/i]; can scale most surfaces in his water form[/indent][indent] [i]Can't keep this damp out![/i]; can squeeze through gaps, valves, vents, sphincters etc with ease, anything that isn't waterproof and water impermeable[/indent][indent] [i]Hose free[/i]; can project his water form as if he was connected to (and being propelled by) a pressure washer, letting him move fast in hops and smash and abrade targets[/indent][indent] [i]I can turn into water...[/i]; can't drown or fall below healthy levels of hydration or catch hypothermia[/indent][indent] [i]Ever tried to shoot a puddle?[/i]; bullets, blunt trauma, knives etc are utterly ineffective at fucking with him[/indent][indent][i]Dripped from the same puddle[/i]; he doesn't need to be continuous, only liquid, but far-flung control is hard[/indent] [b][i]Puddles [i]can [/i]die[/i][/b]: upon transforming he starts at just above freezing temperature, exposure to high temperatures (be that hot weather, a house fire or flamethrowers) will heat and eventually begin to evaporate his form, he can counteract this by drawing water vapour in from the air but this by necessity becomes less effective the warmer he gets; significant evaporation (beyond a certain threshold) will mean he can't turn back without sustaining random injury proportional to what is missing (chunks of his body missing so very likely to be crippling or fatal) so he will either need to find a body of water or risk it to turn back [i][b]People are 80% water, water is 0% a person[/b][/i]: there is no time limit on using his water form, but anything more than a couple minutes using it and he will begin to rapidly succumb to the Essence, losing track of what he was doing and who his friends and enemies are, his memories and personality, his ability to communicate with people and to see himself as one of them. This is reversible upon transforming back, reverting at the same rate that he is lost to the Essence. [b]Appearance II:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img]http://thumb101.shutterstock.com/photos/display_pic_with_logo/679297/105912563.jpg[/img] this stuff, watermarks and all[/hider] [b]Fallen Information:[/b] an entity akin to an ocean spirit or water elemental, to a human it is fully alien in desires, goals, personality and way of thinking; using his power, especially if he sustains damage and needs to find more water before turning back safely, means a slow drowning of his mind in this inhuman will, with a real possibility of succumbing and never turning back.