[hider=Edelfelt 2] [center][h2]Frederica Edelfelt[/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/rgus4Yz.png[/img][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Personality:[/b] Best described as a fairly simple, amicable young woman. While bearing the demeanor of a princess raised in a castle, the sort of arrogance indicative of the Edelfelt's stature is rarely present. While she carries herself like one who sees herself as inherently superior to others, simple observations based on her posture and gait, she does not express this in conversation. Bearing a warm smile and a calm tone, one could call her an ojou-sama in gesture but yamato nadeshiko in action. To some, however, this makes her an utterly unbearable existence who they want to punch in the face. ...however, it is nonetheless a truth that, whenever you distort someone's mind, so too is yours distorted. It is a rule similar to the nature of curses, that whenever you curse someone, you curse yourself as well. It is for this reason that magi refrain from using such things as Suggestion frivolously, as to embark down that path is to condemn your own mind. Regretfully, Frederica's study of magecraft has itself been based around the twisting of minds. The sense of self has already begun to erode, and the distinction between "myself" and "them" has been blurred. In other words, Frederica has started to lose sight of herself, becoming similar to that human who dared to consume souls in a bid for immortality. Shifts in temperament occur regularly, seemingly unprovoked, and the more she walks down this path, the easier it becomes to take the next step. One could say that her Origin is in the process of awakening. The element flows from the Origin, so it is only natural that hers is Earth. To contain, to bind, to restrict. To take the everything of someone and lock it away, unchanging, undying, unreactive. To do that same thing to herself. This impulse which was originally nothing more than "something which led her to her style of magecraft" has grown into "something which has made her obsessed with that style". Given this increasing mental distortion, the Origin is expected to fully awaken in approximately fifteen years. At that point, self-destruction will occur. [b]Biography:[/b] A princess locked in a castle. At the same time, given that there was another princess beside her, a different form of princess. To say that she lived alongside her sister would be an understatement, given the nature of the Edelfelt Sorcery Trait. However, while the gait of the two stood as identical, their content could not be more different. In her youth, Frederica was the epitome of proper, a calm and warmhearted young girl who met everyone with a smile. The perfect status of an Edelfelt, one might say, save for that she was unable to channel anything analogous to ruthlessness. As time went on and her initially-bratty sister mellowed out, Frederica delved into magecraft. Picking up the family craft was a simple allowance, and from there she expanded into other venues. Spiritual Evocation, Transfer of Conscious, even some elementary Kabbalah she picked up on a whim. This curiosity of hers could be said to be the spark of her downfall, as it is what led her to work out her own personal form of Conversion. By the time she had completed the system and revealed its nature to her family, the damage was done. The nature of this was already explained, and so will not be again. The exquisite glass sculpture had shattered from the eye of the storm moving, and as time drew on this grew all the worse. In that sense, the sisters could be said to have switched places. In their youth, Janika was the fiery one and Frederica the calm one, but now Janika has become a proper Edelfelt, while Frederica has become a decayed mind. In time, word came to them of a far East ritual. Ordinarily they wouldn't have given it any thought. It was hosted on the land of this barely-notable family named "Tohsaka", and with the cooperation of this family named "Matou" which was apparently so insignificant that no records of them even existed. The third name of "Einzbern", though, was enough to entice them. And so, begrudgingly joining hands with the German faction in a means that could be best called "siding with the enemy of my enemy", the Edelfelt sisters descended on Fuyuki. [b]Family History:[/b] Edelfelt. [b]Origin:[/b] Confine [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Earth [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] B [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] A [b]Od:[/b] A [b]Magecraft:[/b] [i]Magic Circuit Composition:[/i] Abnormal. Suited towards "sharing". [i]Conversion:[/i] Family attribute of the Edelfelt. Strictly speaking, the name covers the concept itself, but it is best known for its conduciveness to Jewel Magecraft. The capability that allows for the Edelfelt to place magical energy into other substances, enduring outside of the body. [i]Ore Scales:[/i] Sorcery Trait of the Edelfelt. The Crest is shared. The two Masters are one. The moon in the night sky is mirrored in the surface of the lake. Two sisters multiply each other's power. [i]Conversion (Minds):[/i] Frederica's personal application of the family attribute. A synthesis of Conversion, Spiritual Evocation, and Transfer of Consciousness. A jewel is a prison that stops flow, and the nature of Conversion allows for things such as magical energy to be placed within. However, things other than magical energy can be placed within such a prison as well, with sufficient effort. By cross-applying the principle of Transfer of Consciousness, Frederica has developed a system that allows for the movement of a mind into a jewel. While similar to creating a possessed object on face, such things usually deal with the leftover energy, the old recording of a personality known in Chinese Taoism as a "corporeal soul". This, however, is the movement of the "ethereal soul". Quality is incomparable to that of a piddling wraith. [i]Scandinavian Curses:[/i] Simply oriented around physical effects of harm. Does not include those other possibilities such as attacking the mind, causing decay, inverting causality, resonating with similarities, and so on. The specialization is, of course, the single-action curse known as Gandr. Through overcharging, release of a more powerful "Finn Shot" is possible. At the maximum output, even stopping a heart is possible. [i]Golems:[/i] Creation of golems. A magical construct that originates in Kabbalah, namely in the creations of Solomon ibn Gabriol, also known as Avicebron. A golem is created via using jewels as organs, parchment as skin, and mercury as binding. Other materials such as a magus for the core, a covering of stone, and the like are also considerations. They are doll-type familiars, similar in atmosphere to puppets but more machine-like in their nature. Skill is merely average; however, due to using her own jewels as the organs, absurd results can be exhibited. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Jewels:[/i] Five jewels which contain enough prana to be called "A rank", all of the Earth element. None of them contain a mind at the current time. While the entirety of Frederica's excess magical energy over the course of her life has been enough to manufacture fifteen jewels, ten of them have been used for the creations below. [i]Limbs:[/i] Frederica's limbs are not constructs of flesh, but rather golem limbs. In each limb is a jewel that contains a mind, and sufficient prana to be called "A rank". While Frederica can move them according to her will, her limbs automatically move in "Frederica's best interests" as well. Unlike the Bronze-Link Manipulators of Fiore Yggdmillennia, their movement thought patterns are as expansive as that which the human mind can contain. While it increases prana expenditure, it is possible to utilize a shapeshifting function of the limbs, increasing their size and destructive power. In other words, the defensive capabilities of those bronze arms and the offensive capabilities of that mercury construct; the downside is, of course, that they are parts of her body. An excellent body modification that only a madwoman would carry out. Were it not for the difficulty of doing so considering the Edelfelt Crest, she certainly would have moved her own mind into a jewel as well. [i]Golems:[/i] Six humanoid golems, each with an "A rank" jewel containing a mind as its core. In terms of combat acuity, adaptability, and so on, it is at a level that mere artificial intelligence cannot reach. However, they are merely golems made by one of average talent in the art, so while the software is monstrous, the hardware is lacking. Also, despite her considerable od, controlling all six of these golems in tandem with a Servant at one time is impossible; the most she can manage is three golems and a Servant. [b]Skills:[/b] While Frederica herself has never learned combat arts, she can replicate the result through the use of her limbs. Mediocre cook. Acceptable at mental math. Exquisite at annoying others. [/hider]