[Center][img]https://image.ibb.co/mbbYeF/Patch_banner_2.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [b]Currently With: [color=beige]Mercy Evergreen[/color][/b] |BGM:[url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r3SwvRntnyA][color=white]Serenity[/color][/url] [hr] [color=9e0039]"Ugh..can't I get break for five minutes, you pretentious sods?!"[/color] Having grown the habit of being a light sleeper from military experience, Alice shot up from her bed as soon as the tvs were turned on, and grumply threw a pillow at her room's television. She didnt pay much atention to what Dr. Killgood was saying, except the part where the other team had failed their objective. [color=9e0039]"Thats a shame though, wish I could've helped Krista out, but assisting Aleccia and unlocking the rest of this floor came first.."[/color] she talked to herself, shaking her head, lightly slapping her face, and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes to wake herself up. Alice actually felt bad for the violinist. It would make sense that Krista's E-handbook would be stolen, with the whole despair nonsense, but what if she wanted to check up on a family member? That would be what the recon would do if she got the phone call herself, more specificaly her younger brother. [color=9e0039]"Well, as long as i'm up, guess i'll explore around."[/color] shuffling off her bed, Alice walked out of her room, and into the resort. As soon as she walked out into the patient's quarters, Alice was greeted by Mercy walking out of the hospital area. [color=9e0039]"Cant sleep?"[/color] she asked the doctor. [color=beige]"Seriously? You know I STILL have insomnia, and you ask that?"[/color]Mercy asked back, obviously annoyed. [color=9e0039]"Oh yeah, I forgot. Anyways, im gonna check out the plaza, wanna come with?"[/color] The doctor replying with a shrug, the two made their way to the resort. [color=beige]"Alright, you look around over here, and ill check the dining room."[/color] Mercy said before walking to the dining room entrace, while Alice stayed in the music plaza to check out the stage and instruments.