[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/344550107234041856/354346133017067520/itship.png[/img][h3][i][color=yellow]Apia, Queen of Bees[/color][/i][/h3][@Lmpkio][@Silvan Haven][@KoL][/center] Apia stood behind a semicircle of dead bees, once forming the wall until the light fried them all, as she stared down Farris and the rest of Saef's men, her eyes streaming down an entire volley of tears. Her cloud of giant hornets had a few casualties, but it was clear that it was still a lethal number when they began to swarm Saef's men, attacking them relentlessly as their stingers picked and attempted to tear off armor, all in an effort to so they could strike directly at the flesh. The Honey Rod kept releasing swarms and swarms of bees as Apia fell down onto one knee, a swarm of giant hornets making a wall around her as she continued releasing bees. She couldn't walk, and while she saw that this battle was turning around, she couldn't celebrate too early. The bee woman stood back up, a swarm of giant hornets grouping around Farris as they began to sting her over and over. [color=fff200]"Y-you aren't escaping the swarm THAT easily..."[/color] [hr][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/344550107234041856/356268438211264532/Lillian.png[/img][h3][color=f26522]Lillian[/color][/h3][i][u]Happyverse[/u][/i] [@KoL][@The 42nd Gecko][/center] [color=f26522]"Lead the way,"[/color] Lillian said as she pondered what kind of job she could get here. She imagined that everyone could use a doctor, and while she didn't have a medical license, she could probably try and get into working at a hospital with her expertise of alchemy and medicine leading her. She wasn't too scared about that, more or less she was scared about what Miyu would do for a job. She didn't seem like she would be a bad mechanic, with her Daimyo being nearby, but then again, did they get paid a lot? Lillian could work on her mech on her own, so it didn't seem like an overly complicated job that would pay well. Bah, whatever. That's the future.