[h3][center][color=8493ca]~Rachel[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Kameo~[/color][/center][/h3] [hr] Rachel rolled off of Lana with little effort, exhaling sharply as she was shoved, before yawning and rolling back over. Huhm. The grass here was really soft. A bit to warm, but the lake was nice. Maybe would be a good place for a nap in the future. Impmon simply watched, shaking his head at the sight of his partner's seemingly lack of care. Well, at least she learned some valuable information about the recent happenings. Arguing about the Source of Debug lake? Hm, didn't they say there was potentially something wrong with the water itself, here? [color=8493ca]"Hmm..."[/color] Rachel sat up, seemingly unbothered by the awkward position she had been placed in, frowning slightly. Odd then. Doubly odd was this girl Lana and her digimon. Really, she supposed she shouldn't be inherently suspicious of any other human, but still. It didn't seem they were affiliated with the Bureau. [color=8493ca]"H-hey!"[/color] Rachel suddenly spoke up as her digivice was pilfered, showing a surprising amount of emotion for once, her eyes even managed to open completely! Even if it wasn't for long, she didn't like other people touching her junk. It was her junk, not their junk, and damn it if it wasn't fine junk. She swiped it back, giving Lana a suspicious look before making sure she didn't do anything funny with it. She then proceeded to do something with her digivice. Impmon looked on in slight awe, and Kameo gave a few oohs and ahs of her own at the sight. Kazemon? Some sort of new digivolution or something. Well, whatever. Rachel walked over to Kazemon...and pulled sharply on one of her wings. [color=8493ca]"Don't touch my junk."[/color] She harrumphed, before thumping 'Kazemon' on the forehead. [color=ed1c24]"Waaaow I didn't think Rachel could get that excited."[/color] Kameo giggled from the sidelines. [color=a187be]"Ugh, trust me, she can. Usually when she's annoyed."[/color] Impmon sighed, rubbing the side of his face from the earlier encounter with Rachel's annoyance. [color=0076a3]"A-A spirit evolution!"[/color] Swimmon seemed to be one of the only few here taking this event seriously. [color=0076a3]"R-rachel you shouldn't be mean! This is a rare occurrence! Oh goodness oh goodness!"[/color] Swimmon swam over to Kazemon, clearly somewhat excited. [color=0076a3]"Who did you say you were again? L-lana?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Hey hey, who's being rude now Swimmon?"[/color] Kameo laughed. [color=ed1c24]"Hey hey, how'dya do that? I wanna know!"[/color]