[hr][center][h2][b]N i k k i[/b][/h2][color=808B96]the site of Max's crash[/color][/center] [hr] "You should stay," Nikki told Xell as she leapt easily to the ground. She was rather curious about him, even if she didn't really want to be alone in his company. For instance, she knew why /she/ had been en route to the forest, but what about him? And then the otter kid combusted on the spot. She gasped, already diving toward the entrance to the wreck before the sound finished leaving her mouth. She knew she'd seen the bright red of a fire extinguisher earlier in the cockpit, and that's where she headed. Behind her she could hear shouting and a bit of truly uncreative swearing from Max -- so much for learning from him. She grabbed the cannister and hauled tail back outside, not bothering to be quiet about it. As a result, she burst loudly back into view during a quieter moment, barely having time to register that the kid wasn't burning anymore -- but he'd definitely been burning, and that meant he needed dousing. "Hold still!" she cautioned him, pointing the nozzle his way. "Fok off, G!" "You were [i]on fire![/i]" the nekomi protested, not lowering the extinguisher though she did delay squeezing the handle. "And it's not something you're meant to be doing, or you wouldn't smell like bacon and chemicals! You can't be going around instantaneously combusting, it's not good for you. So hold still while I make sure you don't do it again!"