This was young Edwin's first assignment as one of Lord Octa's men-at-arms. He saw one of the raider standing in the middle of the road threatening the wagon's horses with a spear. With a mighty war cry of "Hail Octa!" Edwin charged the raider with his large shield in front of himself. He ran into the raider, knocking him off balance and pushing him off of the road. The road was now clear and the wagon bolted. On the side of the road, Edwin fell on top of the raider, knocking the wind out of both Edwin and the raider. [hr] Kan heard Thaliar's command. This is what Kan was good at and and he loved doing. Kan raised his battleaxe over his head with both arms and roared at Octa's troops, "[b]I will kill you all![/b]" He swung his battleaxe killing another guard, But then he was forced to use the staff of his axe to parry the attacks of two soldiers. Even while parrying the attacks, Kan kicked and stomped on the men attacking him. He continued to bellow at the enemy soldiers. He was drawing a crowd to himself.