[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bYFakMn.png[/img] [hr] [h3]Armend Kinora ⚔[/h3][/center] [indent]Armend shrugged his shoulders indifferently. If he had to guess, it was most likely some grunt-work that Cyrus or the Elder either didn't have the time for or didn't want to do. He refrained from voicing those concerns, figuring Clara would know better than him about her wise-ones. Instead, he ran ahead of her, grinning a rather childish smile and spoke, [color=orange][b]"Let's race, Clara. Surely that roof-work hasn't taken [i][b]all[/b][/i] the fun out of you."[/b][/color] He rushed ahead, and if Clara was perceptive enough, she would notice the near-lack of sound coming from his sprint.[/indent]