Marlin did his best to listen to the conversation, he couldn't comprehend most of it but could tell there was something to do with a group of people, a new team, and investigating. At least that is what he thought. Marlin took a seat at Ozpin's tea table closing his eyes for the tail end of the discussion, trying his best to find a balance in his mind to cling to so he could function for about half a second. It failed. Instead a short snore came up and a bang from his head hitting the table when he heard his name, snapping awake he turned his attention to the group. [color=8493ca]"Huh, team? Group? Marling Skyy at your service,"[/color] he took a deep breath and shook his head hard to jump start his brain. He then realized that he was asked a question by Ozpin, turning his attention to the man at the desk he smiled, [color=8493ca]"Only if the zeros match our last deal,"[/color] he said, not going out light handed.