Hector scowled at the messenger for a moment after acknowledging the little robot that had entered the room. The message was almost what he expected. Stealing something from someone and returning it to a client willing to pay top dollar for his services. As the message continued and a secret door opened up, Hector got a little antsy. He’d heard of the genetic enhancements nad human experimentation that went on in the universe, but this was a monster of its own. “I hope she… I mean it… doesn’t rip my arms off and beat me to death with them… Like I said before, I like to live.” Hector spoke once the message ended and he could hear footsteps coming down the hall. “Well, sorry if I rush my introduction, but my name is Hector… I’m a smuggler and a scavenger that preys upon the weak or already dead… I don’t like dealing with the living, but most of you seem like robots anyways, so lets get this underway.” He spoke as the open doorway was met with a soldier holding a rifle, who was then blown away by a stunning act of stupidity on Morkir’s behalf. Hector loved being stupid like that though, dirty jobs were always the fun ones. “Well, that’s one for you Mork, try to save the next one for someone else you sneaky bastard.” Hector spoke as he looked around the room, wondering what would happen next, but he decided to take matters into his own hands. A second later, Hector was bolting out the door, his revolver in one hand, spinning it carelessly, with a flashbang in the other. “Kaboom! Bitches!” He shouted as he threw the flashbang into the hallway, around the corner, laughing to himself as he slipped away in the blindness of the guards around the corner. Once they came to vision again and regained their footing, they began to rush the room that the rest of his group was in. Little did they know that Hector had snuck right past all of the soldiers that were in the hallway. Hector kept hidden within a doorway a little bit behind the soldiers and drew his second revolver. “Oh boy, this will be fun!” He spoke as he popped from out behind the corner and began firing his revolvers at lightning speed, emptying the clips fairly quickly and leaving the barrels smoking. The result was at least two soldiers dead and a couple with gunshot wounds, not enough to get though the others shields. “Eh, it was helpful.” He spoke as he ducked back behind cover to reload his revolvers and put the second one away, waiting for the rest of his party to get to work.