[hr][hr][center][h1][color=D8899B]Mei Qiáo[/color][/h1][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/831eedf412a514512e0dc548a3f2b35a/tumblr_nnw3ogF61s1ra5f55o2_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Newhope - Alleys in Merchant Area -> Heading Down West Road Towards Docks[/center][hr] Mei thought about it. Though her original intent was to go to the Lady Luck to gather more intel, she decided it may be in her best interests to circle back to the docks. However, she was sure that whoever shot her was now on her trail. If they weren't at the Merchant Area already, they would be soon. She wanted to wait it out, but it would be too much trouble. Carefully, she kept walking out of the alley. She didn't want to head directly there. There would be too high a chance they, or someone from the Docks, would recognize her. She opted to head West and see if she could weave her way around. It would be better to remain out of sight from as many people as she could. Though she was certain the dressmaker wouldn't sell her out, the same couldn't be said for any of the other citizens mulling about. It seemed they were all preoccupied with getting food at this time, so she may be in luck. She walked as quickly as she could. She didn't know what to expect upon finding her way back there, but she had to get on that ship. One way or another.