Saluto, Winter! Glad to see some more new blood on the Guild, even if they are old blood when it comes to roleplaying. Since you're a fan of The Elder Scrolls, I'm in a position to recommend some good ones! Of course, I'm in them, so I'm without a doubt biased, so they may or may not be your thing, and that's a-okay! This first one I've been in since its conception(two whole friggin' years ago! Time really flies.), [url=]Fruits of Contention[/url] is an Advanced roleplay that is focused on a mercenary company full of average joes going against a strange enemy invading Tamriel. It's quite far along and catching up may seem daunting, but we keep a concise summary of all major events, and the GMs are always willing to help you get up to speed with your characters! It's set a few years after the defeat of Alduin in TES:Skyrim. The other one, [url=]Crimson Skies[/url] is a Casual roleplay set during the Oblivion Crisis. It's significantly younger than the previous roleplay and not far along at all. The Hero of Kvatch is retconned out and replaced by the current player party, so plenty of Daedric shenanigans are certain to ensue. Even if you don't join the roleplays I mentioned, I hope you find yourself at home here on the Guild!