[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/W71IOPB.png[/img][/center] [color=deepskyblue] Marcus rolled his eyes at the response. He considered a gray line for jokes and his humor stood right below it. His previous comments were only playful. [color=cyan]"I think you are too sensitive, my dude."[/color] Chef Object frankly spoke out. He sighed and knew that this ride would last too long. [hr] Marcus obviously lied about his driving experience. Once the garage opened up for the vehicle, the ride seemed dangerous. Every turn was hard and swift. The chef's hands gripped tightly on the wheel as he concentrated on the road ahead of him. The sound of cars honking only pissed him off; however, they had reasons. So far, Marcus drove past three red lights and almost hit two pedestrians. Marcus rolled down his window aggressively. [color=cyan]"Hey! No, you can't drive!"[/color] Batteries and change were thrown at the side of the vehicle throughout the drive. Marcus also had trouble driving over speedbumps; he never slowed down nor did he stop. Driving over them quickly must have made Kurt's ride unbearable in the back. [/color] [color=gold] One More Post and We Will Reach Our Destination.[/color] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/adOlLvA.png[/img][/center] [color=gray] The young girl stopped her laughing immediately. She twisted her neck to see Liz standing above her. For a brief moment, she stared at her older sister while breathing through her mouth. Her strange behavior stayed unsettling. Eventually, she smiled spontaneously and began climbing up to her feet. [color=yellow]"Hi, Sis. Have you been chosen too?! I have been playing with the others!"[/color] She flailed her arms to the side and hopped frantically. Her enthusiastic mannerisms appeared too young for her age. Mud dripped and sprayed because of her constant movement. Even then, the pouring water did not make her shiver. The little sister tilted her head. Her eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped in shock. It might take a while, but Liz would find out that her sister did not give her eye contact. By matching the direction of her pupils, Liz could tell her eyes were looking behind her. Her pupils moved slightly to follow something moving. Before Liz managed to turn around and see what her sister was staring at, she heard frantic running. The noise of someone fleeing began to fade out deeper in the woods. Liz's sister took a few steps in the direction. [color=yellow]"No! Don't leave! I thought she was chosen! Please! I'll behave!"[/color] She shouted sporadically. Her sister proceeded to kneel down in the mud and throw her arms into the ground. She continued to throw a temper tantrum. [hr] The kid cackled at the woman's response. He held his hands up to his mouth. [color=red]"You're funny, lady, but you're not the boss of me. No one is. Anymore."[/color] He flashed a gigantic smile. Though childish, it demonstrated only an unnerving atmosphere. Did the kid smile too hard? His grin stretched from one cheek to the other. [color=red]"You are different. He likes different. You should come with me."[/color] He approached Lydia with a heavy march. [color=red]"We are a family. No one else. You will appreciate it."[/color] He giggled and raised his hand to grab Lydia's arm. [/color] [hr] [center][@t2wave][@LeamonZest89][@Old Amsterdam][@1Hawkeyes][/center]