[@Kalleth] Felix cradled his newly minted knuckles close to his chest with his other equally 'minted' hand. They were both sore, stung like fire, and hurt just as much as you would think it did considering his right hand still bled a little. Small mercy from the universe that was his left hand not bleeding either. There wasn't much in the way of bandages and Felix was too stubborn to see a nurse about it. [quote=@Kalleth] "She must be-" "as-" "Hippo Queen-" [/quote] Not bothering to pay attention to the macho efforts of Manilow wasn't going to pay out. Instead of nailing his guess of Dias personality all the brash youngster heard was 'she must be a hippo'. Given his track record of lashing out angrily he was quick to lunge forward. Instead of tying to sock the loudmouth in the face as previously attempted, Felix changed up his style on instinct. Every teacher knew that a student in their first year rarely had control of themselves or their element, being as it was the first few days of the school year most of them were still in the 'happy accidents' stage of training. Fueled by emotion they could well.. explode? Both of Felix's hands were wreathed in red flame as he attempted to grapple Jorden. Perhaps unthankfully, the burning fire held no distinction of friend or foe and burned without control across his arms until the sleeves of his shirt and the bandages had become a charred mess.. Quick as it had come it was gone. Nothing left of the flames but smoke and a startled Felix sitting on the floor with a look of mild shock. "This is why I don't want help.." Felix mumbled. Rather than listen to the long-winded speech about soldiers and death Felix simply stood up and stormed off. From the route he took it was clear the destination was the gymnasium. [hr] -Gymnasium- Felix took up his position away from Manilow with rapier in hand. Part of him missed the feel of a weapon in hand, even if the blade was dulled. For a brief moment it almost felt like he was home. "Lets get this over with. The sooner I thrash you, the quicker I can leave.."