[quote=Fat Boy Kyle] The Old Republic is arguably lacking in some aspects when compared to other MMOs (e.g. amount of dungeons, arguably PvP, etc.). However is it still thoroughly enjoyable and does present you with nearly everything you would expect from an MMO. In my opinion it gains a massive advantage over its competition simply due to the dialogue system and story lines being amazing. [/quote] TOR was essentially a single-player game occupied by other players, which I mean in a good way -- the storyline stands on its own, and there's, like, eight of them? I think? I quit when it went F2P, cuz by then it was losing some appeal (and some guildmates were getting pretty extremely rapey with my female toon), plus there was a big server-consolidation that rolled us in with a bunch of asshats and it just got lame all at once. But now I guess there's cathar, so..... yay? Raiding wasn't *that* bad, the game could be fun if you let it.