[quote=@mdk] I don't quite get your meaning. [/quote] How many immigrants come to the USA yearly? That's a lot of fish to sieve through and that is just to establish 'potential' POI's. Then you drag a smaller finer net through that batch to get the people who actually are suspicious. Mind you, by that time you're left with, what, maybe 1% of all immigrants. Seems like you're looking for a needle in a haystack and using the most inefficient way to do it. What I'm saying is, from the article I infer that they're using big data on a pool that is [i]incredibly[/i] large. But they're using it in a way that isn't effective. Eh, we have this thing called 'dragging nets' or sleepnet. It's a net you drag through the ocean at the bottom and catch fish with it that way. It's nice because you catch a lot of fish with relatively little effort. But it's bad because the net gets tangled and you catch things you don't need - it's not very specific. It's the same with surveillance. If you use a net like that (net referring to the method of detection) you're gonna get stuck a lot and you're gonna catch a lot of things that are not what you need (like, you're looking for herring but you catch a lot of trout or w/e. In surveillance, you want to catch the bad guys, but you're gonna just end up catching a lot of guys who google 'egg timer' and 'camping propane tank' or people who just happen to write something weird). I'm not saying the entire idea of this is erroneous because it could be used, but they haven't refined it and taken extra processing steps to the point where they can minimize the amount of false reports. They're just analyzing big data and not knowing what they're looking for. It's a problem that has existed in US intelligence agencies since.. forever. That's why there's so many reports of people being watched for no reason or getting swatted for weird reasons. [quote=@Kratesis] Waiting until we have a problem and then acting is foolish. It is easier to stop a problem from developing in the first place than it is to untangle it after it has already developed. To look at the situation in Europe and then say that maybe migrants aren't a problem is obtuse. The cost of migrants outweighs the benefits. [/quote] The situation here is more just one of intense stupidity and the EU's idiotic structures. I mean, pairing up all the different things that go into this, it's just stupid and we never should've gotten into it. Letting the EU decides who takes how many refugees? Retarded. Letting the EU dictate the vetting process? Retarded. Letting Turkey hold us hostage with refugees? Retarded. Putting thousands of refugees in countries that already have failing infrastructure for housing? RETARDED. Putting refugees in countries with plenty of population while not giving more to the countries that [i]need[/i] population? Makes me screech like a retarded kid on /pol/ that thinks the jews are behind everything. It really makes me mad. Maybe this is my god complex talking but I think if I was in charge I could've done something far more efficient than the shit we have now. It's just plain bad and stupid. Now with the recent German elections we might get Merkel to tone it down a bit before she loses even more votes.