From what she could tell on the way in, Eva can see this cave is most certainly not natural. Not that it wasn't obvious from the outside, even through the fog, of course, but the inside made it particularly obvious it was burrowed, though only briefly, before reaching the smooth sides of a magically bored hole, and into a natural cave formation. A very large one, given even with the light shining directly into the cave from outside, she couldn't see a far wall. She could if she walked farther in, naturally. Upon looking around, she noticed small pools throughout that smelled absolutely rank and bitter. They bubbled slightly, but it was difficult to tell if they were bubbling of their own accord or because they were being absorbed into the ground. Caoimhe mostly ignored the old man's banter and her companion's reactions to it. He seemed pretty convinced until the guards didn't care. Caoimhe, however, was more concerned with the guard who was walking into the cave. She admired her bravery like she admired the old man's tenacity in whatever trade he was in that cost him his fingers. She imagined him with glasses, a very much unintentional dreamy look on her face, before turning to follow the guard. "I don't suppose you'd want to go with us and let these people stay outside in safety? I don't imagine they'll survive long in real combat."