[hider=Konna][center] [hr] [h1][color=556CAB]Konna[/color][/h1] [hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Shc7AD3.jpg[/img] [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]General Information[/color][/h2] Name: Konna Gender: Female Age: 19 Bender or Non-Bender: Waterbender Nationality: Republic City Height: 5’3” Weight: 115 lbs Appearance/clothing style: Kirra has a darker complexion speckled with freckles. She had big, blue eyes and very round features like some kind of Fae. She’s short for her age and has a very curvy build. She’s surprisingly muscular. Her hair is dark brown and hangs around her shoulders and she usually doesn’t do anything with it. She tends to dress in the popular fashion in Republic City with her own water-tribe twist, favoring clothes lined with kholasheep fleece and embroidered with moons. She wears a lot of blue. She strictly wears high-waisted bottoms. [hr] [h2][color=556CAB]Personal Information[/color][/h2] Positive personality traits: Loyal - Konna doesn’t dole out her friendship and loyalty easily, but once she decides that someone deserves it, she becomes one of the most trustworthy people in the world. She would do anything for the people she cares about, no matter the cost to her. She protects them anyway she can and wouldn’t turn against her friends if her life depended on it. Good-humored - Konna laughs easily and likes to make other people laugh as well. She can find a good side in most things and is good at defusing tension between groups of people. She’s good at laughing at herself. Adaptable - Konna is good at blending in with different cultures and rolling with the punches. She’s very good at compromising and figuring out alternate solutions to problems. As far as she’s concerned, there’s no obstacle she can’t get around. Spontaneous - Konna is very impulsive and likes to create her own adventure. This trait also comes in handy in fighting, as her actions can be very hard to predict. Negative personality traits: Restless - Konna has a hard time staying still for too long, making her an unhappy camper when it comes to long car rides (or flying bison rides). She doesn’t like to stay in one place for too long and often gets irritable when she does so. Non-committal - The idea of committing to anything tends to make Konna nauseous. She fears boredom and worries that she’s missing out on something even better whenever she commits to something. She values her independence greatly and thinks commitment holds her back. Non-confrontational - Although she won’t hold back in confronting enemies, she is completely unable to stand up against her friends. She’ll let them push her around or act in ways that upsets her and just suck it up because she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. Childish - The baby of her family, Konna never really learned to act maturely about situations. She faces certain situations in a very immature way and often doesn’t understand the severity of her actions. Role (white lotus, bending teacher, mentor, etc.): Waterbending teacher History: Konna grew up in Republic City with her mother, uncle, father, and older sister. Her mother and uncle were native to Republic City, but her father had incurable wanderlust that led him to immigrate from the Northern Water Tribe. Her father was ecstatic when she discovered her ability to bend and immediately began training her in her abilities. She’s a very talented bender and picked up on the basics easily. Her father passed away in an automobile accident when she was about 7, and her uncle took over her bending training. He struggled to convert his firebending technique to her waterbending, but Konna figured it out. Her bending tends to resemble firebending as a result. Special interests/skills/hobbies: Ruan playing - She taught herself to play the ruan as a child and is fairly skilled at it. Drawing - She enjoys drawing, through she’s not very skilled at it. Lockpicking - She taught herself to pick locks one summer in case of emergencies and just to have that handy skill. Surfing - An ability that sprang from her bending, Konna greatly enjoys surfing. Relationships (family, friends, etc.): Father (Shikan, a waterbender from the Northern water tribe, deceased) - Konna doesn’t remember much about him, but what she does remember are all happy memories. Mother (Shae Mee, a nonbender from the fire nation) - Konna is very close to her mother and stays in contact with her as best as she can. Uncle (Rozik, a firebender from the fire nation, Lao Mee’s brother) - Rozik is a father figure to Konna and she looks up to him as a mentor. Sister (Sae Yu, a nonbender) - Konna and Sae Yu are extremely close. They have an almost spiritual connection that lets them feel connected to each other when they need it no matter where they are. Anything else worth mentioning: She doesn’t know how to use any weapons other than waterbending, so she’s careful to keep it on her whenever possible.[/center] [/hider]