[hider=Overseer] [color=7a0000][i][u][b]Knowledge is power they say. But knowledge also has a price,and some times, that price is high. Are you willing to pay that price?[/b][/u][/i][/color] [b]Character you have created:[/b] [color=7a0000]John Anthony Black[/color] [b]Alias:[/b] Overseer [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=7a0000]BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE-7a0000[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line- Though one might call him a villain as well, as he is a man of business ( Explanation ---->) [hider=GAME OVERLORDS ONLY!]John is an information and "Unique" items broker, so think the shadow broker from mass effect, plus he also is a bit like the collector from Marvel[/hider] Age: 50 [b]Identity:[/b] His true identity is not known as he works throw proxy's [b]Character Personality[/b]: "[color=7a0000][b]You ask me what I am like, what I believe in and how I handle others? Well... I am some one that should not be taken lightly, for what ever reason. You see, you can tell a grate deal about some one just by watching how they act and move, there actions say more about them then words ever could. And then, there are their eyes... They say 'Eyes are the gateway to a persons soul'... You would be surprised buy how true that statement is though. If you look at some ones eyes long enough, you will see the true them under the mask, as every one wears a mask, even I do, but yet there are so little people that can look passed the masks that are our mundane lifes, less still that can comprehend what they see under them"[/b][/color] ((I hope this is ok, as I am trying to describe his personality throw him telling a story to--[i]insert who ever you want hear[/i]-- I dont really know how you guys will react or think of it, so if you guys say it needs to be changed then I will change it)) [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] John often times can be seen in a 1930's looking suit, with a black west over a white shirt, matching black pants and black shoes, along with this he always has two, jet black, colt 1911's with him at all times [hider=Cant get the img posting thing to work so I'll do this] https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Feb%2F17%2Fd9%2Feb17d90b37a52e7fcd1ac89733a4bb6c--famous-celebrities-celebs.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fcarolinespics%2Fdistinguished-grey-haired-men%2F&docid=4MsHutt8wOD97M&tbnid=4YHZLbXZNdi5rM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw..i&w=493&h=768&bih=648&biw=1366&q=older%20man%20with%20beard%20in%20suit&ved=0ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=768&imgdii=4YHZLbXZNdi5rM:&vet=10ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw..i&w=493 [/hider] [img]https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Feb%2F17%2Fd9%2Feb17d90b37a52e7fcd1ac89733a4bb6c--famous-celebrities-celebs.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fcarolinespics%2Fdistinguished-grey-haired-men%2F&docid=4MsHutt8wOD97M&tbnid=4YHZLbXZNdi5rM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw..i&w=493&h=768&bih=648&biw=1366&q=older%20man%20with%20beard%20in%20suit&ved=0ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=768&imgdii=4YHZLbXZNdi5rM:&vet=10ahUKEwjt8ovAjsjWAhXGE5oKHcfuD4kQMwgtKAcwBw..i&w=493[/img] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Not much is known about the man called the Overseer, even less who he was before he took the title of Overseer. The little that is known about him is sketchy at best. Allegedly his real name is John Anthony Black and that he was born some where in Texas. Who ever tried to find out who the Overseer is, would start with the wary limited, almost none existent,clues about who he was. Many who had started down this path where stonewalled at the first obstacle, his family, none of them would be able to get around the fact that there was no Black family ANYWHERE in Texas, not even one trace. Normally this is where they would just give up, but the rare few that are able to get past this first obstacle would delve deeper in to the shadows following 'The yellow brick road' as it where. The rare ones that have gotten farther in to the shadows, they would find that there was a Black family, back in the 80's, though the family had died under odd circumstances. The family was a typical four member family, parents with two sons, David and John, they where a rather uninteresting family really... well other then how they died. The family was found in there home with multiple gunshot wounds, three to the chest and two to the head, though it was determinant that they where first killed before they where placed in to there home and burnt with it... though this is only true for three of the members of the family. John, the only presumed living member of the family, was thought to have bin abducted for unknown reasons, though this entire police report regarding the investigation had vanished, save for one copy filed away in the unresolved cases section of the PD archives, never to see the light of day. From there, any type of information regarding John was nearly nonexistent, the small amount that there was, was spread all over the continental US , from a gang in Seattle, to a drug cartel over in Florida. All tracks finally stopping in New York. The last bit of information that there is regarding John was that he was working for a low level information broker, this is the last time John Anthony Black would ever be heard off. The select few that have gotten to the end of the 'yellow brick road', be it throw grate effort of will or just luck, ether end up dead or vanish from the face of the earth, never to be seen or heard from again... Such is the power of the [color=7a0000][b]Overseer[/b][/color] [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Gray Matter- Who needs fancy powers or extreme weapons when I fully can and will out smart you. [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] World- Due to his occupation, he deals with a lot of moving parts all over the globe [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] N/A [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height:2.0m Weight: Around 85kg Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Trained [/indent] [b]Resources:[/b] Extreme- Due to his occupation and his influence, he has access to a grate deal of funds, people and other things... [b]Weaknesses:[/b] You fill him full of led and he is dead [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] Due to his occupation, he has a grate many people that work for him as ether agents, proxy's or just messengers. Never the less, he has access to a grate many minions that do his biding (Do I need to be specific with this?) [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] An explanation would be nice pls Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines. Only for first time applicants.): [color=7a0000]Overseer[/color] [color=5634db]Other person[/color] New York, the big apple, or as some may call it, the starting point for any criminal. It was a typical, rainy day in NYC, with people going to and fro with their black umbrellas, glum looks on there faces and with phones in hands. ' [color=7a0000][i]I never really got the appeal of the smartphones that every one is using now a days, though they are certainly useful[/i][/color]' John thought as he was sitting at a diner looking out the window at a teen passing buy, face buried deep in there smartphone. The diner was nothing of interest, a typical one that you would find even in a small town. " [color=5634db] Sir? You where saying?"[/color] a voice brought him back out of his musings, " [color=7a0000][b]Hm? A yes my apologys[/b][/color]" he said as he turned to face the person one other side of the table again. The person in question was a reporter from the '[b][i]New York Times[/i][/b]', a man by the name of Daniel Goodman, Daniel was a short man, in his mid thirty's, messy black hear, beady green eyes behind glasses, a rather square face, pointed chin with a goatee , a rather small tapered nose with a pale complexion, a rather unremarkable man to say the least. "[color=7a0000][b]Yes well, the first day I had arrived hear in the big apple it was a day much like this one; cloudy, gloomy, every one going their own way, not really caring about anyone else but them self's at that specific moment[/b][/color]" John said as he took a sip of the black coffee he had ordered. "[color=5634db] Really? Where did you stay on that first night you had arrived hear in New York?[/color]" Goodman asked as he was recording everything on his phone. It had took Goodman a better part of the last two years tracking this man down, John Anthony Black, he was nearly killed two times, almost got hit buy a semi-truck, lost a tooth or two, and traveled all over the dame US, that is until he ended up back up in New York. About a week after he had gotten back from the 'little' trip of trying to track him down, he had been contacted buy the wary man him self, informing him that he had been keeping track of his progress and that he would like to arrange an interview. Daniel new, that if he could get this guys story, his FULL story, that not only would this be the scoop of the century but would make him the only man that really knew the true identity of the Overseer. "[color=7a0000][b]Where did I stay you ask? Hmmm... if my memory serves me right, it was in the ally behind this weary diner [/b][/color]" John said with a whimsical smile on his weathered old face "[color=7a0000][b] The night was cold, and wet as you can imagine. I had spent about a week sleeping there, as I had next to no money with me. Most of the money I did have I would spend on what little food I could buy[/b][/color]" John said as he took another sip of his coffee, as he did so, a young looking waitress arrived and refiled Goodman's glass of water, which he took a long drink of. [color=5634db][b]It is a bit hard to imagine that, seeing as you had risen so high up to the position that you now hold.[/b][/color]" Goodman said as he listened to John with avid anticipation. "[color=7a0000][b] Yes, I do guess it would be hard for some one to comprehend that with such a limited view such as yours, Daniel[/b][/color]" John said as he finished the last of his coffee. This entire time the expression on his face was one of friendliness, though now it was set in to one of cold seriousness "[color=7a0000][b]Knowledge is power they say. But knowledge also has a price,and some times, that price is high.[/b][/color]"he said as he looked at the perplexed expression plastered on Daniels face "[color=7a0000][b]Are you willing to pay that price?[/b][/color]" As he finished that sentence, he got up from the booth that they where in leaving a hundred dollars on the table to pay the bill and leaving. It took Goodman a minute to realize what had just happened, though buy that point it was to little to late. A sudden pain griped his chest, he's breathing was getting harder and harder, till he simply collapsed on the table dead, by the moment Daniel Goodman had hit the table, John Anthony Black had already left, the door chime had already played its song. [/hider]