[B]Portsmouth harbor, England, April 1, 1800 [/b] [hr] [h1]Description of Portsmouth Harbor[/h1] [img] http://c8.alamy.com/comp/BCYKC5/view-of-portsmouth-harbour-as-it-appeared-in-the-late-19th-century-BCYKC5.jpg[/img] Portsmouth harbor, the busiest harbor in all of England, or so it would seem to any onlooker. Within the chaos was a carefully orchestrated act of fishing boats going out for the day or coming back with a full load. Merchant ships being loaded or setting out for unknown destinations, and the Crown Jewels of the harbor, the ships in his majesty's navy. Gleaming in the morning sunlight. Some ships to note were the admiral's first rate [i] Gale[/i] and the big frigate [i] Dolphin [/i]. The Leer was moored near a sloop of war, and a freshly made schooner. The glare on the sea was so great that one could not look out for long periods at a time.