[quote=@Liotrent] The Arkellis Flower's sap is combined with gold and Dalekanium to make Metalert, a Dalekanium construct that's more durable and temperature resistant. The Arkellis flower was only found on Skaro, so it was unique to only the Daleks, and so is Dalekanium. Dalekanium gave Daleks a secondary resistance to bullets, laser fire, and bombs, Metalert makes that more so. Daleks are basically Tank soldiers, but they can be killed by a direct radiation burst through the Eyestalk or concentrated combined heavy weapons fire. Concussion is also an option, the casing may be immune to bombs but the thing inside is still flesh. [/quote] Hmm, so she would need Dalekanium too. Or is it safe to assume that the flower has metal-enhancing properties?