Before accepting his offer of food Jax gave Morthos a wide eyed stare, did he do something wrong? But after a moment the stare was gone and she accepted his offer, so he supposed he hadn't messed up. As they walked many people came up and congratulated Jax on her victory, they gave Morthos wary little stares but Jax set them straight pretty quickly. Funny how Morthos went from antisocial recluse to friends with one of the most popular girls around. As Jax got her potions Morthos was looking around for his own supplies, something he could use to help him beat Mitsukini. He found what he wanted, he would just need to figure out the best way to deploy it, but that could wait for another time. Jax was tired, Morthos wasn't completely surprised when she asked him to piggyback her to the restaurant. He turned around and let her hop on his back, Morthos wasn't the strongest guy but his brand of magic required a certain constitution so he would be fine carrying her for a bit. "If you're up for sweets, I know this little dessert bar not far from here which not many people seem to go to," he said as he walked them towards the place. "Also, you could just tell people I'm your new demon butler, I certainly look the part." They arrived at Demitri's, and Morthos got them a nice seat by the window he enjoyed. Because of the outside designs you could see out but not really see in. They were brought a pitcher of water, two glasses, and menus. They served any kind of dessert item you could think of, it was a bit ridiculous but also very tasty, "so what are you thinking? I'm a bit partial to the waffles with mint chip ice cream on top."