Alright, answer time. [@MarsAdept][@Hawlin] Magic is between high and low fantasy, more towards high. Think of Dark Souls as the baseline for magic. The most common magic are sorceries, miracles, and -mancies. Rather, magic is unlimited. Mana, ki, any sort of magical force is one in the same. Different paths to one thing: changing reality. A sorcerer would study magic, and as a result, their spells are orderly. Clerics and priests pray to the gods for power, and as a result, they pray for magic to happen. -mancies usually come from heart and are instinctual, so they tend to head more for chaotic blasts of hell-yeah. But this doesn't mean you have to stick with one of those three. You could write up a necromancer. You'd probably be hated for desecration, but that's unrelated. Simply put, the possibilities with magic are endless. New spells are created every day, but for the vast majority of commoners, magic is something that they almost never see. For adventurers, it's a common thing. [hr] For the races, I'll just say that you can go for it. All of the human-like races (elves or dwarves) existed before the three nations began to fight each other, but once war broke out, they migrated around and just became part of mankind. Most elves and dwarves today have mostly human blood, but still go by elf and dwarf because of culture. Good riddance, because ancient elves and dwarves looked disgusting. There also exist beastmen. They come from the eastern island of Adagari and have hundreds of subspecies. The most common of which are the [url=]lizardmen[/url], but beastmen are a rare sight due to their insular culture. If you want to make one up, just PM me some background information on them and put them somewhere on [url=]this map.[/url] Just remember: Irithia, Sirris, and Rhode are the countries of mankind, Irithia is a kingdom of castles and nobles, Sirris is a cold theocracy lead by the church (most clerics, priests, and paladins come from here), Rhode is a coalition of different countries. Adagari is the country of beasts, Morburne is a horrible place to be because of all of the "demons", and the ancients still exist in the Ancient Marsh. [hr] also character sheet [code][centre][img][/img] (use [s]weeb[/s] anime art because i need to pretend that there's a cohesive style) [.hr][.hr] [b]Name:[/b] (Self-explanatory) [b]Alias(es):[/b] (Any nicknames or such go here. Most low ranks would have nicknames only known to friends) [b]Gender:[/b] (Stick or no stick?) [b]Race:[/b] (If you use a non-common race, just PM me some information about them and their culture.) [b]Age:[/b] (How old are you?) [b]Rank:[/b] (Usually people will be D or C ranked. PM me if you want special permission. We would need to work something out.) [b]Personality:[/b] (Make it good) [b]History:[/b] (Your character's past. How did they become an adventurer? I don't expect a novel, just a little framework.) [b]Magic:[/b] (If any. Delete if unnecessary.) [b]Skills:[/b] (Anything relevant here) [b]Equipment:[/b] (General items, armour or weapons. Note that items are graded based on their strength and magical properties. The list is as follows: Common-grade, Magic-grade, Masterwork-grade, Ancient-grade, Legendary-grade.) [b]Anything Else:[/b] (Miscellaneous stuff) [/centre][/code] For now, you can write up everything except for the backstory, and I'll tell you if it's all gucci.