Niryrk, Keliks, and Rahn moved in, they were fired upon by enemy tanks. After the dust had settled. The others could see Niryrk pulling rubble off of Keliks while Rahn provided cover fire with his shrapnel launcher. The weapon could destroy a yank but it was still a weapon that was not to be taken lightly. Niryrk pulled Keliks out of the rubble only to notice Keliks didn't let go of his scorch cannon. Keliks was injured and couldn't walk on his own. Morale was draining when suddenly, they noticed their Kell arrived. This inspired them and brought up their confidence even though they were ordered to retreat. Niryrk picked Keliks up through the blaster fire and began to run toward cover where the others were regrouping. "I'm not letting you die here. If you did, I wouldn't have a proper rival with a sword." Keliks laughed though it soon turned to coughing. Rahn followed behind giving cover fire. Soon, they got to safety. Niryrk set Keliks down. Rahn looked around. Did Loksis survive the fire?" The elder Vandal made his appearance. "I'm fine, this fight is getting more hectic than anticipated. What is our move?" Niryrk looked up as covenant ships began to descend onto the planet. He recalled the vandal snipers. He then turned to Ephsor. "We should leave the planet. I don't like losing the opportunity on good salvage but this isn't worth th reward. With you here, it's puts the house in more jeapordy if we are to become stranded." Keliks leaned on his scorch cannon as he stood up. "I agree.i don't like it either but we need to leave. If it makes it worth anything, the enemy troops used turrets to attack us. We managed to salvage a few in working condition. Our engineers could reverse engineer them. So we gained something at least." Rahn looked about. "A servitor found the signal to what ever seems to be so valuable in that vault writhing minutes of activating the terminal on that station were on before this planet. It's possible they have found many more signals to others. We can still make use of it. I'm sure the archon and his servitor already have knees to tell you when we get back. I also think we should leave this planet."