[center][b][I][URL=https://youtu.be/KucD42RAPJk]Wild Animal by Rival Sons[/URL][/i][/b] [hr][hr] [IMG]https://i.imgur.com/QgANgYS.jpg[/IMG] [color=steelblue][h2]Fridolf[/h2][/color] [i]Fridolf is, in a word, average. Average height and average weight, average looks and average brown hair and brown eyes. In not a single way does he stand out from the crowd. He’s just attractive enough not to be considered ugly, but not so much as to be thought of as memorable. For many men, this uniformity might be considered a curse, never being able to stand out in a crowd or attract the eye of a pretty girl. For Fridolf, it’s a blessing. After all, what kind of self-respecting grifter wants to be suddenly recognised by a past mark, or picked out in the street by a particularly tenacious town guard?[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=SteelBlue][b]【[U]Alias[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Far too many to list, as he creates new aliases as and when he needs them to facilitate whichever con he is either running or planning.[/indent] [color=steelblue][b]【[U]Race[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Werewolf[/indent] [color=steelblue][b]【[U]Gender[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=Steelblue][b]【[U]Age[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]29[/indent] [color=steelblue][b]【[U]Sexuality[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Opportunistic[/indent] [color=steelblue][b]【[U]Birth Place[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Volais[/indent] [color=Steelblue][b]【[U]Nation/Allegiance[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Born in La Lament, his only allegiances are to himself and the witcher Kieran.[/indent] [color=STEELBLUE][B]【[U]Profession[/U]】[/B][/color] [indent]Con-man, who dabbles in petty thievery on the side.[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=STEELBLUE][b]【[U]Personality[/U]】[/b][/color] [indent]Greedy. Dishonest. Pessimistic. Cowardly. Fridolf is all these things and more, as petty a criminal as they come. So far in his life he hasn’t come across a con he wouldn’t run, nor a mark he wouldn’t fleece. Old Ladies, crippled veterans, war orphans, they’re all fair game in Fridolf’s eyes. Life isn’t fair, he’s fond of saying, so why should he be? It’s perhaps worthy of note that he prefers the act of crime itself to the dividends it pays. He loves the thrill of a grift well played, liking it to a hunter taking down a magnificent stag. Even if he ever did become rich (unlikely, because he spends coin almost as fast as he ‘earns’ it) he would still commit crimes. The adrenaline rush is just to addictive to give up. He isn’t entirely without scruples however. He’s never even considered committing a violent crime, and in fact is rather opposed to violence in general. To his mind it’s never accomplished anything of note, and he’d rather just stay as far away from it as possible. He’s also … no, that’s it. Non-violent is about all you can say about him where virtues are concerned. Oh, he’s loyal to his friends too, but that’s a new development as he’s never had one before Kieran. Still, he worries that friend might be too strong a term for what Kieran is to him, and sometimes wonders that if it wasn’t for the curse hanging like a weight from his neck if he wouldn’t have long ago abandoned the youthful witcher. Only time will tell. [/indent] [hr][hr] [color=STEELBLUE][b]【[U]History[/U]】[/b][/color] [list][*]Born in Volais, the capital of La Lament, the son of a baron and a washerwoman who worked on his estate. Fridolf’s parentage went unacknowledged by the baron, who removed the washerwoman from his employ. Seeing this, the common people followed the barons example, and shunned the washer woman. She could not get honest work, and was forced to sell herself into indentured servitude at a doxxy flophouse. She eventually developed an addiction to Fisstech. She came to detest her son, blaming him for her misfortunes. [*]Fridolf was initially educated at a church run school, where he was praised for his sharp, nimble mind. However, he was singled out by an enterprising criminal who used young children as thieves. The criminal noticed how small and dextrous Fridolf was, and believed he could become an excellent cutpurse. He offered the young Fridolf a better life, and the boy leapt at the chance, abandoning his abusive mother without a second thought. [*]Fridolf excelled in the criminal arts, but soon found that physically taking money out of another person’s pocket was too easy. He much preferred the challenge of getting that other person to [i]hand[/i] him their money, and not only that, but to believe it was in their best interest to give him their coin. He began to devise incredible intricate cons, which began to make him and his criminal patron quite wealthy. However, he spent his earnings hand over fist, and besides it had stopped being about the money for Fridolf. Now it was about the feeling he got when he outsmarted a mark, the flush of superiority over his fellow man. If he had ever thought about it he might have realised that he had become just as much of a junkie as his mother. [*]As he grew more experienced and his skills grew a pace Fridolf began to grow bored of his life in Volais. The game had become too predictable, the marks to simple, and too gullible by half. There were no more unknown variables to overcome. He concluded that, as a journeyman of his trade, he could learn no more by remaining static. If he wanted to further hone his craft he would half to journey afield, and that’s just what he did. [*]Spends several years travelling from village to town, relying on his skills to keep him alive. Develops a scheme he christens ‘cry wolf’. In it he would enter a small village, claiming to have spotted a werewolf in the outskirts. Once enough of villagers believed him he would kick them all into a frenzy, convincing them that they needed to mob together and hunt down the beast. As soon as they had grabbed their pitchforks and torches and marched off into the wilderness after an imaginary beast, he'd double back and ransack the deserted hamlet, lifting everything of value and scampering off before they returned. This heist worked so well he used it multiple times. [*]Fridolf’s fortunes soured the third time he attempted to ‘cry wolf’. He came to a town that proved more difficult to stir up into a frenzy than usual. They proved a little more levelheaded, and instead put the call out for a Witcher, a call which was answered by Kieran of Saph. Unfortunately for all involved (and unbeknownst to Fridolf) there actually was a werewolf living in that town, a huntsman who resided in the outskirts with his wife, the local cunning-woman. With the help of his wife, this huntsman was largely in control of his curse, and hadn’t hurt anyone during his affliction, but Fridolf had inadvertently set a Witcher on his trail. The huntsman, fearing for his life, pre-emptively attacked Kieran in his wolf form, and the witcher was forced to kill him in self-defence. In her grief the witch cursed the one she felt was responsible, Fridolf, and through a combination of her power and strong emotions, the curse of the werewolf was passed on to him. Shortly afterwards the town not only learnt of Fridolf’s deception, but also of his new status as a skin changer. They prepare to lynch the con-man, who is saved at the last moment by the Kieran. [*]In his relief Fridolf pledges himself into Kieran’s service, promising to stand by him as a loyal bondsman. Of, course his word isn’t worth a bent copper piece, and the real reason he desires to be around Kieran is in the hope that the Witcher will be able to find a way to lift his curse. Despite this he finds himself enjoying the young Witcher’s company. [*]Accompanies Kieran into the city of Telchar.[/list] [hr][hr] [color=STEELBLUE][b]【[U]Skills and Abilities[/U]】[/b][/color] [list][*][i][b]Experienced con-man and thief[/b][/i] – Fridolf has been parting the good people of Aridia from their hard earned valuable for nearly twenty years now, and has gotten rather good at it, even if he does say so himself. [*][i][b]Consummate liar[/b][/i] – Simply put, if there is a better liar in the world than Fridolf then he hasn’t met them. And he spends a lot of time around unsavoury characters, so if anyone was going to meet them it would be him. [*][i][b]Sleight of hand[/b][/i] – An integral skill for any grifter. [*][i][b]Running and hiding[/b][/i] – For when things go sour. Fridolf is both an terrifically fast sprinter, and an excellent hider. World class really. He’s not one for distance running though, too many late nights and too much easy living has put paid to that. [*][i][b]Disguise and acting[/b][/i] – When it comes to disguises, Fridolf is the next best thing to a Doppler. He’s had years of practice impersonating others, with his skills being augmented by the generic-ness of his features. By the simple advent of growing a beard or cutting his hair he appears to become a whole new person, a trick he has put to great use in the past. Sometimes having ‘one of those faces’ has its advantages. [*][i][b]Turning into a great, big, bloody man-wolf[/b][/i] – Not so much an ability as it is a massive inconvenience, but one can’t deny how impressive it is. Every month when the moon is full he transforms into a giant half-man, half-wolf creature. His control of this form is minimal, and while he is demonstrably less violent than the average werewolf, he is still led by his animal desires to hunt and to feast, though he will usually prey upon animals before humans. Through a little bit of experimentation Fridolf has discovered that he can turn into a werewolf at will whenever the sun has set. During these elective transformations, he has near complete control of the form, though it is markedly less powerful than that which he undertakes during a full moon, and he suffers from dull hunger pangs that he cannot sate, no matter how much meat he devours – strictly animal, never human of course. [/list] [hr][hr] [color=STEELBLUE][b]【[U]Weapons/Tools and Magic[/U]】[/b][/color] [List][*][b][i]Belt knife[/i][/b] – A common belt knife, though of good make. Sharp, though far too short to be used as a weapon. [*][i][b]Dice[/b][/i] – Of both the loaded and regular variety. [*][i][b]Playing cards[/b][/i] – Dog-eared. [*][i][b]Flo[/b][/i] - Fridolf's grey mare. So named because Fridolf is a pathetic horseman at best, and his latest horse is an ill-tempered bitch. [*][i][b]Lock picks[/b][/i] – For those occasions when you ‘forget’ your keys. Heh, forget. [/list] [hr][hr] [color=STEELBLUE][b]【[U]Other[/U]】 [/b][/color] [list][*]Dialogue colour: [color=steelblue]steel blue.[/color] [*]What does [i]Wild Animal[/i] by Rival Sons have to do with Fridolf, you may ask. Not much, I’d answer honestly, but I don’t generally pick themes for my characters, and thought instead of searching for one I might as well just put a great tune there instead.[/list] [center][h3][b]O R I G I N A L R P: [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/160073-across-the-great-sea-a-witcher-rp-open-yet-to-start/ooc]A C R O S S T H E G R E A T S E A[/url][/b][/h3][/center]