[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL8D3TB-lz8[/youtube][/center] [b]Game Brief:[/b] [list] [*] I'm currently the only GM for the game. [*] High Casual standards. [*] Only looking for a small group. You are not limited to any canon roster of X-Men. [*] This will be taking place within the MCU, not the canon Marvel comic book universe. This provides a chance for fresh takes. [*] Original Characters are allowed, yes. [*] Character Sheets should be posted to the OOC thread for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public. [*] You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a character for this game; please act like one. [*] Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. [*] The game starts with characters on their own, about to get Xavier's call. [*] Expect to do an 'Impressions' OOC post before the IC kicks off, as most the group has been together a little while now. [*] Want to help the storytelling? Let me know! I'm all about making players part of the process, not just witnesses stuck to reaction only. [*] Questions? Don't hesitate to ask. [/list] [hider=IC Information] It wasn't discovered until Tony Stark began moving everything out of Avengers Tower, and shipping it upstate. Although it wasn't the first time Howard Stark had hidden something right under his son's nose, it's fair to say Tony thought he had dusted off all of his dad's old data. With the bitter taste of what S.H.I.E.L.D analysts had dubbed "the Super Civil War", mercifully shortened to Civil War, still in his mouth it was a brief moment of nostalgia that led Tony to start rummaging through old files marked for O.S.S. and it's Super Soldier Program. But what Stark was looking at, he realized, wasn't data on the project that would lead to Steve Rogers. Curious, and interested in anything that might help the Avengers in the future after Peter Parker turned him down to return to NYC's streets, Stark began calling old SHIELD contacts. When nothing of any real promise turned up, Stark began turning his attention elsewhere--until someone Stark couldn't reached called him: Nick Fury. Fury knew the data that Stark was asking about, and offered to fill Stark in on the condition he leave it alone. "Why would I leave it alone?" Stark asked. Fury chuckled. "Because you'll have better things to do." While Stark guessed Inhuman, Fury revealed that the guess was close but not quite; the data was closer to the Maximoffs than the Inhumans. Stark was correct that it was Hydra using the energy of an Infinity Stone that powered the Maximoff twins. So why did the Maximoffs survive the experiments where none of the other subjects had, Fury asked? Because, SHIELD believed, of the data that Stark had been asking former SHIELD contacts about. A genetic mutation of humanity. Like the Spider-Kid, but something they were instead born with instead of an experiment (like the Maximoffs) or a freak accident (like the Spider-Kid). When Stark asked why people like the Maximoffs weren't popping up all over the place, then, all Fury could tell him was that SHIELD had never been entirely sure. That there was a scientist who had been working with SHIELD, without officially being part of SHIELD, on the matter. The man's name was Charles Xavier, a leader in the field of Genetics research. He also suggested maybe Stark should take a hard look at some of the secret SHIELD files Natasha Romanoff had dumped on the world wide web during the Triskellion incident. It took Stark and all his tech a few days to find it, but once he knew to look it was only a matter of time. There within the dumped secret files of SHIELD were files within files. Run the decryption one way, and you got the SHIELD files the whole world saw. Run the decryption software another way, and you got all of that...and pieces of other files. Put all the pieces together, and Stark found himself reading about an incident that happened the year the Avengers first assembled in the Battle of New York City. It happened in China, a group of mostly American teenage metahumans teaming up to stop a metahuman codenamed MAGNUS from forcefully launching Chinese nuclear ICBMs at strategic targets throughout the world for an unknown reason. After successfully stopping MAGNUS, the team of teenagers fell off the grid. MAGNUS, too, had yet to be seen again. There were still questions: if it was a mutation that was the true source of the Maximoff twins powers, why did they need an Infinity Stone jump start for their mutations while these mysterious teenagers seemingly did not? Who and what was MAGNUS? How did Charles Xavier fit into? Why was Xavier so hard to find? Why was Fury telling him to leave it alone? Was there still some SHIELD secret faction he didn't know about? Of the last question, Stark was sure there was. Beyond that, try as he might, answers were impossible to come by and Fury had certainly been correct that Stark would soon find himself preoccupied with other events and other mysteries. For now, Stark put in the on back burner. Stark's hunch was correct even if he wasn't aware of it, that there was a secret SHIELD faction still operating while the rest of the world believed SHIELD was no more. A small yet well funded support structure around a SHIELD Agent turned CIA Agent turned secret CIA/SHIELD double agent, Sharon Carter, aiding the man that Stark could not find in Charles Xavier. The man who knew exactly the indentities of those metahuman teenagers, these mutants. Or as they referred to themselves...these X-Men. [/hider] [hider=OOC Information] This is the story of the X-Men in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The original team of X-Men were recruited by Charles Xavier to assist him in stopping his old friend and colleague from devastating the human race with nuclear attack, and attempting to use a mixture of radiation and a device called Cerebro to spark a new age of mutated human awakening. After forcing his old friend to retreat and go underground, Xavier reclaimed Cerebro, the teenage team going their own separate ways as to not attract the kind of attention that the Avengers had garnered after turning New York City into a battlefield. The superero Civil War, the Ultron disaster that resulted in the Sokovia Accords, all of excellent reason for these young metahumans to stay in a low profile. But now Xavier believes he has discovered why the mutation he has dubbed the "X gene" has become dormant save for a small handful of individuals. A discovery of a new kind of threat; one from within, and artificial. If someone is attacking mutated humans with the "X gene", Xavier has determined he must stop it. But to do so will require help. With Sharon Carter's help, and SHIELD remnant resources, Xavier believes now is the time to send out the call to re-assemble his small group of mutated humans. It's time for the X-Men to reunite, even if in secret. You will play one of these X-Men. Most will be one of the teenagers, now in their early 20s. One or two old mutants are possible, but their backstory will have to justify it. Their conflict happens in shadow, their attackers striking from the past, and in absolute secret with a level of force and sophistication that humanity may only now be beginning to come close to being able to fight. The Avengers are still active, but the world knows they are fractured. The Spider-Man is active in Queens. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen, P.I. Jessica Jones, ex-con Luke Cage, and the mysterious Iron First have been active in New York City, dubbed the Defenders by New York City press. There are stories of a violent vigilante that the streetwise simply refer to as the Punisher. In Greenwich Village there are stories of mysticism and magic, though even with everything going on that one most people find hard to believe. There is no known active SHIELD organization, and only the secret remnant supporting Sharon Carter and Charles Xavier active in any way. For now. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Alias: Appearance: (picture or description or a mix) Powers: History: [i]No, I don't care how you make it look. If you put the fields in some other order, so long as they're there.[/i] [/hider]