[b]Aurora Inside the Vault [/b] How unexpected, how unforgivable for a Jedi Master worthy to sit on the Jedi Council and a Sith Lord that was considered the Emperor's right hand man to be caught off guard. Perhaps it was fitting that the two warriors consumed in their fury to defeat one another deserved to be taken captive. The blow from Tartarus was powerful leaving the Sith and Jedi floating in and out of conscienceless. Perhaps if they hadn't openly committed to use their full power against one another they would have been able to will their bodies to move. Use of the force to enhance their strength, speed and as a combat ability was incredibly draining... it would be some time till they woke, the Covenant were their protection now. [b]Outside the Vault [/b] The Sith Commandos had watched with uneasiness as they watched Dragos successfully navigate his way into the fault but the moment he entered the vault, the situation had escalated beyond their control. While they remained a a good distance away from the vault having used the ridge as protection it was evident they were severely outnumbered and outgunned and to make matters worst their helmets shared a camera feed of Dragos perspective.. and the Sith was compromised. As per Sith military doctrine with Dragos currently out of action, leadership then went to 2nd in command of the task force Captain Fordo. With a silent command, Fordo urged the commandos back and towards their hidden craft nearby. The order went through and there were no arguments but each trooper had their own private thoughts on the matter and it wasn't long till one trooper voiced his displeasure. "With all due respect Captain, but Lord Dragos is still every bit alive and we still got a shot at getting him" "No. Not by ourselves" The Captain replied. "We've sent word of our situation some time ago, Sith High Command has likely received our message by now and will work towards a solution. Once they arrive in the area we will inform them of Lord Dragos condition and efforts to retrieve him will be made" "Thats not good enough." The trooper again responded, his tone showcasing his frustration as opposed to Captain's cool demeanor. Fordo raised his hand in a fist to pause the soldiers as the Captain approached the taller, unsatisfied trooper. Despite their helmets, Fordo's released a gaze that the trooper, whose faced remained hidden behind his mask could not ignore. "We have two methods on keeping track of Lord Dragos. His helmet remains intact along with the tracker in his wrist. From the looks of it, they are taking him captive and will likely present him to their leadership. Lord Dragos anticipated a possibility such as this so keep your head together trooper, I will not have my order questioned again" The frustrated trooper paused but then recalled the brief moment Dragos and Fordo shared before Dragos went towards the Vault. The image was clear, Dragos had tapped his wrist several times as a reminder that his tracker was on and operational and that in a worse case situation that would be a secondary source in tracking him. "Yes sir. Sorry sir" the disgruntled trooper replied as Fordo turned and lead the soldiers back into their hidden space transport. They would remain hidden for some time, monitoring the situation around them and await reinforcements.