[quote=@pandapolio] [@AngelofOctober] I hadn't thought about it that way, and sorry I didn't see Zoze already had white flames. Maybe I'll go with blue flames. [/quote] Remember firebender is all about what the user wills. While they get their bending from the sun it is fueled by different things. Zuko's orange fire, all though fueled by rage, was also fueled by his determination, his dedication, his passion and desire. Azula's blue flames were fueled by her jealousy, her loneliness blue is a color of sadness or loneliness, her power hungry drive, her need for overwhelming power. Their father's was more red orange to me I always thought, and that was fueled by his drive for power, perhaps his passion, and his rage. His hatred. His cruelty. Etc. In this case I chose white flames for Zoze because white is often the color of serenity and peace. All the things that Zoze would use to fuel his flames. While his flames may be smaller and not so overwhelming as other firebenders, it is tempered through patience. While Zoze's words come off cutting or he comes off bold. His flames are symbol of the purity that fuels his will. Zoze's firebending is practiced through patience, an ability of understand his element, and a way of containing his power. Since Zoze was taught by a water bender and water is often the sign of tranquility, serenity, patience, fluidity, etc. I wanted Zoze to symbolize these things as well. Remember everything in the Avatar world and even drawing from Eastern mythology has a spiritual counterpart.