[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] [color=pink]”Yaaaah!”[/color] Mamoru shouted as she was once again tossed through the classroom. She at least knew that Yukari was going to toss her at Mako once she was sent airborne, so Mamoru tried to take a swing at the teacher when she flew pass. Of course she whiffed and landed on a desk. Mamoru was quick to recover and try to get back into the fight, however everyone else sprang onto Mako at that same time. Mamoru tried to position herself somewhere where she could lunge at Mako, but with so many bodies in the way the best thing Mamoru could’ve done was just wait it out. Maybe if they took just a moment to plan it, they could attack in a more synchronized manner. But right now it was nothing but chaos. Eventually the fighting stopped once Roy managed to grab hold of Mako. Unfortunately for Mamoru, she failed to land a hit on Mako. Fortunately because Mamoru failed to land a hit on Mako, she missed out on detention. [color=pink]”Eeeeeh? Detention? Then why would you tell us… To hit you…”[/color] Mamoru pondered it for a moment. She spoke her thoughts out loud as she considered what Mako was thinking, even sitting down at a desk just to think about it. [color=pink]”Was this… Was this another test? Like a big lesson about how villainy, while allowing them to accomplish short-term goals, isn’t beneficial in the long-term. Like, even though some of us managed to hit you, we had to break the rules against hurting teachers to hit you, even though you’re the one who told us to try and hit you. Yeah, like a bad guy who isn’t just some thug, but one of them evil lawyer types! The ones who’d try to use our own code of laws against us. A really, really dirty trick where the bad guy goads us into doing stuff we shouldn’t do, like stealing, breaking laws, or even killing them, so that way they get the last laugh in the end even if we succeed.”[/color] Mamoru thought she hit the nail on the head, assuming that the hammer was a giant rock that she threw onto the general area and just assumed that she hit her mark. In order words, Mamoru was rambling. [color=pink]”Either way I missed the fun parts.”[/color] Mamoru pouted. Tomoe ran in from behind and hugged Mako and Mamoru was tempted to do the same. She even started wriggling her fingers and was in a pouncing stance. However Mako had asked everyone to put the furniture back where they belonged so Mamoru reluctantly did so, moving a few desks back into place and picking up a chair. [color=pink]”Hai, Akane-sensei.”[/color] [@Silver Carrot] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] It was quiet as everyone was writing their essays. Donny didn’t have much to do since he finished fairly early. He was tempted to just eat his snacks but he was certain that White Hat wouldn’t like it. He seemed to be a nice enough teacher, a chill kind of guy, but even nice teachers won’t allow students to break rules in their class. Donny ended up just sitting there looking nervous until the last essay was turned in. The meat bag knew he was in for a bad time when he heard the first words out of White Hat’s mouth. What followed made Donny lay his head on the desk and try to block everyone out. This was worse than reading off the paper; White Hat made it plainly obvious that Donny was hiding something, when he was already trying so hard to hide that secret. He understood the meaning behind it, but White Hat’s hamfisted approach really made Donny just want to dig out of here and hide in a hole for a few days. White Hat didn’t even seem to notice that Donny volunteered to eat all that sewage waste, and instead criticized him for keeping the full extent of his quirk a secret. The homework that followed didn’t really make Donny feel any better. He wondered if White Hat was really after Donny since the teacher wanted not just video and photo evidence of them using their quirks daily, but also they had to make a presentation. Even if Donny would take White Hat’s words into suggestion, it’s not as if Donny always uses his quirk aside from eating. He doesn’t exactly try to shapeshift or transform into anything aside from his meat bag. Even when he cooks, he uses two hands like he would in his disguise. Donny didn’t do crazy stuff like cooking with two hands, playing on the computer with another, reading a book, and brushing his teeth with multiple limbs. He’s been trying to live as a “Normal” person for these past ten years. His daily routine would reflect that. [color=firebrick][i]”Dammit, this sucks balls.”[/i][/color] [hr] [center][h3]Other[/h3][/center] White Hat waited patiently behind his desk as the students filled out their papers and turned them in. After each one was handed in he made sure to give them a good, solid read. He could already tell most students seem more comfortable writing about their powers rather than discussing it, since it gave them a chance to really think about it than making stuff on the spot. Each student had a fairly solid grasp of their own powers and already had ideas how to best apply them. White Hat seemed mostly content. He waited until the last student finally turned in his sheet before taking a sip of water and holding the papers in his hands. Looking at his students White Hat looked like a grandfather who was about to tell an old story. [b]”How disappointing.”[/b] It was not a happy story. [b]”Each of you have a solid grasp of your power and a good idea how to apply them. But very few of you fully utilize the abilities of others to further increase the potential of your abilities. Worse of all, many of you don’t even fully utilize the extent of your powers. You focus too much on one or two, and seem to have forgotten what other abilities you have.”[/b] White Hat looked at the papers again and would speak about them one-by-one, from first to last. That meant Donny was the first to get critiqued. [b]”Donny Yang. What are you so afraid of?”[/b] White Hat was looking at the paper but he could see the boy’s shocked reaction. [b]”Allow me to be perfectly honest with you; the ability to consume any matter is only part of your quirk. There is much more that you keep hidden for whatever reason. I won’t pry into your personal reasons you hold back, but neither will I tolerate someone who is intentionally withholding their strength. When it comes to heroism, whether that takes the form of fighting a villain or saving others, you must still give it everything you got. Holding back does not mean you’re in control. It means that you’re letting something else determine your best.”[/b] Next up was Acion. White Hat put the stacks of paper down exact for Acion’s response, though this time he did look directly at the boy. [b]”Acion Nakamiji. It goes without saying that your strongest element is in the sky. Your wings work best uninhibited. Being able to soar through open air, avoiding any treacherous obstacle on the ground, is a blessing most don’t realize. But do not grow complacent of your lofty throne in the skies, lest you forget how to walk with your own two feet. Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good; just because you cannot fly, does not mean you are powerless. Learn how to utilize your wings in enclosed spaces. Utilize the nature of your feathers. Whatever decision you choose, remember that your wings aren’t there to just serve you. A hero has to be able to help the good and the innocent no matter where they are or what you can do.”[/b] After Acion was Fumika. She actually had quite an extensive essay, even utilizing everyone else’s quirks. Even if she doesn’t fully understand what they could do she had the analytical mind to make use of what she did know, combining their abilities with her own quirk and talents. Indeed, White Hat almost had no criticism for her. Almost. [b]”Motome Fumika. Your ability to utilize everyone’s quirks to work on reconstruction throughout the city is impressive. Even though you only know a fraction of everyone’s abilities, you work with what you do know to create solutions you otherwise cannot solve on your own, and even so you do utilize others whose abilities can augment your efforts as well. Good job. However just as well, many have abilities they could use to help you, but what can you do to help them? That’s not to say that your Recording is not useful, especially for the example you have given. I did not even expect what you’re doing is possible for you. So it does leave me wondering just what else could you bring to the table? Look that up.”[/b] Kasuke Mina was next, but her entry was terribly short. Knowing her mother White Hat already figured that she’s been drilled about the practical application of her powers, but this was bare bones. Nay, worse than that. At least bones have many pieces to work with. [b]”Kasuke Mina. Literally anyone could do what you’ve written for me. The purpose of this class is to expand the range of your abilities so that you can deal with issues that you currently aren’t suited for. But simply seeking out survivors, rescuers, and others who may be in the disaster area can be done by anyone with two legs, two hands, and a working pair of eyes. Even your quirk, for all the potential they have, you use as a glorified flashlight. In this class you will go above and beyond whatever your perceived ‘limits’ of your abilities are. And in order to do that you must constantly test your abilities and use them to the fullest. And when you think you’ve reached the apex, keep climbing.”[/b] White Hat put down Mina’s essay and looked at Hitomi. She wasn’t part of the hero course so critiquing her about her quirk in application to heroism wasn’t necessary. However White Hat wasn’t going to pull his punches against her either. [b]”Maeda Hitomi. Taking care of the children is good, and I imagine that there are many who could use someone who can comfort and console them in such a tragic time. Heroes aren’t just people who fight villains, but those who can inspire the people with their actions and become a beacon of hope. And it is for that reason that your talents could also be used in the field as well. Even though you are in the support class, do not think that your duties would be easier than those in the hero course. Your presence and kindness can not only help those who have taken refuge at the shelter, but can also be used to handle wounded, lost, and fearful children and people who may still be in the disaster area. Do not underestimate the strength of a gentle appearance; many villains borne from tragedy could have been stopped before their fall if they only had a kind soul find them.”[/b] Next up was Haruka, the other technomancy student. White Hat had high hopes for the girl, and she certainly demonstrated the sort of thing White Hat hopes for. But she needs more of a push and perhaps bigger ambitions. Far be it from White Hat to decide her future of course. But he did want the girl to realize that there are many more paths she could take. [b]”Haruka Sanegeyama. Your technical and mechanical knowledge would be a boon for the various repair and construction workers who would be at the location of the disaster. Even after the battle is over danger is always afoot, and even the tools we use to restore damage done can be dangers themselves. Your ability to assist them would be greatly appreciated. But don’t just consider yourself a tool, my student. You are a craftsman of your own destiny, and when you do not have the right tool for the job, it’ll be you who will make the tool that we need. Keep up the good work.”[/b] Lastly there was Joann. Since she didn’t properly introduce herself last time, White Hat would do the honors. Joann mostly wrote about her quirk, which was good to know, except she didn’t really explain how she’d use it beyond simple things like fending off Looters. At least this class didn’t obsess about fighting looters, and only Joann seemed to used her quirk specifically for that. And she at least mentioned that her speed could also be used to reach people in danger. [b]”Joann Joruto. You wrote much about your quirk, what you can and can’t do with it, which is good. And it’s good to know that you’re seeking new and different ways to use your quirk. But you didn’t really explain how you would use your quirk in this situation. Making you into a portable generator is the most obvious use, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. Whatever abilities you seek to pursue, I hope you’re successful.”[/b] After finishing his critique on everyone White Hat started passing out the homework for everyone. It was a project essay where students would need to write more about their quirks as well as how they can apply them to their everyday life. Video or photo evidence is needed. It will also be a presentation done at the end of the week, where both the essay and any video or pictures with it must be turned in and shown to the class. There was also additional points that the essay should cover, not only mundane utility. The essay specifies what sort of issues a student has due to their quirk, and what they intend/have done to address the issue. It did not have to be just physical, but also psychological. [b]”Komei Academy is young, much like you all are. There is still so much unknown about your future, your potential, and the path you will take. But I believe that we all can improve for the better, and not only can we learn more about how to control our powers or how to be a hero. But more about ourselves and our place in the world, the grand scheme of things. Now then class, you may use the rest of your time to work on your homework assignment. I do expect some form of video or image evidence of how you use your quick in your daily life, and if you usually don’t, do try! Practice makes perfect after all. Don’t think of your quirk as some secret technique that can only be used in emergencies, but a part of who you are that you should be proud to show.”[/b] [@Conscripts][@Silver Carrot][@Feyblue][@Eggs][@Noxx]