[hider=Bard] Name: Justin Hunter Alias: The Demon of the Slums (before X-Men) Bard (After joining X-Men) Age: 20 Speech Color: [color=39b54a]Green[/color] Character Alignment Lawful Evil- Justin has no issues doing whatever is needed to a criminal, but he is very protective of innocent people. Identity: Secret Character Personality: Justin is very laid-back, often just going with the flow. He likes to flirt, tell stories, and must of all, make horrible puns when given the chance. While a “goofball”, Justin is very loyal to those he cares about. He has yet to betray those he loves, but he hasn’t met someone with mental abilities, so it’s unknown if he would be affected by it or not. (A question he asked himself often after the whole “Killgrave” thing came to light.) Justin is also a giant geek, with a love for video/board/tabletop games, comics, and moives/shows. He has a particular love for dinosaurs, and can often be seen rereading “Jurassic Park” or anything by HP Lovecraft. Justin is also skilled with different instruments, and is wonderful singer. If asked, he’ll happily sing for the crew, and try to raise their spirits. Appearance: Normal- [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/442yTOy6vhzn5gQH5HuKww--~B/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD01MzA7dz00MDA-/http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/8669565/604full-grant-gustin.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] X-Men Uniform- [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/MBbM_TTEFRQKSuIK1IVspw--~B/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD03MDA7dz0zOTI-/http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/6a/08/af/6a08afc683eb65a5d87064e67d7da393.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] Equipment, and Weapon: Justin has a helmet and thought it would be perfect for his mission. He often wears it when he is out in the slums, and will take it with him when he joins the new X-Men. Justin’s helmet can hold some headphones for him to hear music, and things got so much better when wireless headphones were created. He carries a set of headphones with him, and was able to get some headphones built into his helmet. [img]https://s.yimg.com/lo/api/res/1.2/cl9FnpOu5Wkttz5UTSoA0g--~B/YXBwaWQ9eWlzZWFyY2g7Zmk9Zml0O2dlPTAwNjYwMDtncz0wMEEzMDA7aD02MDM7dz00MDA-/http://jfsculpts.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/xorn-mask.jpg.cf.jpg[/img] Origin Info/Details: Justin was born in Arkansas, but at the age of 5 or 6, his family moved to New York. At the age of 7, Justin was out with his family, when a mugger pulled a gun on them. While backed to a wall, Justin noticed a street band down the street, playing a song for money. As Justin focused on the sounds, the world slowed down around him, as if time was slow. So, Justin snuck behind the mugger, and called for help. This caused the unthinkable to happen. The mugger was distracted by the sight, a boy just appearing behind him, like magic, which giving Justin’s father enough time to grab the gun and knock the man out. Surprise! This hero doesn’t have a sad origin story, and the family figured just had just been able to sneak off without them noticing. Justin has had a good little life after this. His father was a cop for many years, and once he retired, he moved to Florida to live out his days on the beach or a fishing boat. Justin’s mother has found success as a photographer down there, making it more of a hobby than a job. Both Justin’s older and younger brothers served in the military. His older brother left after his 8 years were up, and became a cop like their father, and is now married and has a daughter in Arkansas. His younger brother is a MP, stationed in Cuba. Justin stayed in New York, working different little jobs while he played music in bars. It wasn’t great, but it paid rent and got him food. Justin kept practicing with his abilities, not mastering them, but gaining some control over them. He didn’t learn of his enhanced charisma until he was in his teens (around 13). He just figured people liked him, until he had a run in with another mugger (what is with these guys, huh?) trying to steal a woman’s purse. Justin told the man to release the purse, which he did. After that, and too Justin’s confusion, he convinced the mugger to disassemble his gun, and go turn himself over to the police. One day while exploring, Justin found this terrifying helmet, and instantly loved it. He took it home, cleaned and repaired it, and hide it away, figuring he could hang it somewhere when he got his own place. Not long after that, the reports about the “Devil of Hell’s Kitchen” started flowing on the news. Sure, the Avengers were cool, and Justin even worked as a janitor at Stark Tower for a time, but they only seemed to worry about the big threats. Justin was surprised someone was handling the street crimes, and decided he wanted to help. “Evil thrives when good men fail to act”, as his father would say. He stayed out of Hell’s Kitchen, since that was the Devil’s territory, and started working the Slums, areas where drug deals were common, and the poor/homeless needed help. Putting on the terrifying helmet he had, the news called him a copycat, giving him the name “The Demon of the Slums”, and some thought he worked for the Devil. He didn’t mind that one bit. Some criminals would talk faster if they thought the Devil was following the Demon. While he hasn’t met Daredevil, he did get a selfie with Jessica Jones, the two of them flipping off the camera, so that’s cool. Combat Type: Street Fighting Justin was raised to believe “the only fair fight is the one you walk away from”. Because of this, Justin will do whatever is needed in order to win, from biting his opponent, to low blows, to pocket sand. Justin’s favorite fighting move is to call his shadow up, giving him a partner in the fight. He refers to himself as the “Tag-Team Champion” when doing this. Powers: * Music Empowerment- The power to gain strength from music. “Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when they come in contact with music, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the sound or even slow or stop aging.”- Superpower Wiki http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Empowerment * Enhanced Charisma- The ability to possess unnaturally high charisma. “The user has unnaturally high charisma, or charm, enabling them to gain the trust and loyalty of others and win them over to their cause. Charisma is a trait found in certain personalities usually including extreme charm and a 'magnetic' quality of personality and/or appearance along with innate and powerfully sophisticated personal communicability and persuasiveness. Though very difficult or even impossible to define accurately, charisma is often used to describe an (elusive, even undefinable) personality trait that often includes the seemingly 'supernatural' or uncanny ability to lead, charm, persuade, inspire, and/or influence people. The user is special compared to other commonly charismatic figures as their charisma is innately formed and effective for even the most disagreeable entities and allows them to bring whole mobs of individuals to their aid.”- Superpower Wiki http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Enhanced_Charisma Negative Traits: Music Manipulation- * May be left powerless without sound. * Silence Manipulation is especially effective against the user. * If user is deafened or ears are damaged power may be nullified * Justin has learned that different music can change his abilities. He has no control over what abilities he gets when listening to music, so he is still learning what music does what. * Justin, if needed, can sing to himself to gain some power, but since his singing takes some of his concentration, the abilities he gains and much weaker then normal. * As of now, Justin’s hasn't found a song that can help anyone other than himself. He hopes to find a song that he can use to help allies, and can be found experimenting with different songs. EC- * Users of Indomitable Will/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious). * Users may have a hard time earning others' trust at times if they are already familiar with the user's ability. * Loneliness Embodiment users may be too encapsulated in solitude to want a leader. Himself- * Justin is still learning about his abilities, and often worries about harming an innocent in crossfire. Because of this, he may find a different way of doing something if it might harm an innocent, even if the original way is much easier. * Justin’s charisma can cause people to do many things. He often uses it as a means to get information, or to make people forget him, or things like that. Because of this, Justin must be careful how he says most things. * That being said, his “Charisma Ability” mostly affects those with weak minds. Someone who isn’t “all there” or drunk/high are easy to affect, normal people have some difficulty, and those with higher intelligence or mental abilities (telekinesis, etc) are the hardest to affect. * Because of his “Street Fighting” style, Justin isn’t really trained in a fighting style. Those with a good amount of training can beat him, sometimes with little to no issues. Theme Song: https://youtu.be/lGQEJSx9eBo [/hider]