[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170831/a5506bd4a92a4af65baab633a456ebc3.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=82ca9d]Location:[/color] [i]Lower Ring – At the Wall to the Middle Ring[/i] [color=82ca9d]Interacting With:[/color] Nilak ([@McHaggis]), Fumiko ([@Elle Santiago]) [hr] Being an outsider and someone sheltered from the issues outside of her beloved homeland, this event taught her a lot about the stances of certain people. Perhaps this moment was meant to be, to show Mei a little bit of both sides, the rebels and the Dai Li. The Dai Li -- quick to stop the protestor through intense, excessive physical combat, and the agent in particular seemed to get satisfaction from the battling, stopping at nothing to try and severely injure the man instead of apprehending him. The protestor was so explicit on his stance and so filled with a rage against the Dai Li and the Earth King, perhaps he had good reason to. The opposing sides confused Mei, bringing her back to the mission she came to accomplish and standing clearly at a crossroads on who to seek out for assistance. Mei turned her attention to the civilians caught in the action, the waterbender and the scholar. In just a short moment, Mei conjured up a spontaneous idea, in which hopefully would lead her to achieve her goal. The scholar wore clothes that weren't of the lower ring, perhaps she had access to the inner circle in which Mei could get closer to speak to the Earth King herself. It was very plausible to go with a route that would keep her stance neutral and out of the rebellious spotlight. The only step left was to make sure that they made it out alive to bring Mei to the inner circle. Watching the fight, Mei was brought back to her own training and recalled one of the many lessons about Avatar Kyoshi herself. The creator of the Dai Li and the woman who passed down her techniques to this elite force. From this observation, Mei familiarized herself with some of the Dai Li's motions, knowing them just as her own since the Kyoshi Warriors and the Dai Li were trained similarly. In this case, Mei stood at a big disadvantage since she had little experience battling benders, and not having the abilities to bend herself. As the man crashed against the wall with a prominently strong attack to follow, Mei wanted to dive in so bad, but she knew she shouldn't take the risk of sacrificing herself for some spontaneous decision of hers. Thus, she stood watching and praying for their safety. The next few moments happened quickly, the rubble and dust from the heavy impact caused the crowd to burst in a series of coughs and some even fled the front of the fight from fear of a following, escalated fight. Mei waited for the cloud to disperse as her eyes met with the protesting earth bender, halted at the impact and ready for a retaliation. It was this moment in which Mei would make her leave. She eyed the waterbender and the scholar escaping fast, and ran in their direction as the crowd began to disperse, without attempting to get noticed by them, she would follow them wherever they'd run off to.