[quote=@Regitnui] [@AngelofOctober], I'm an editor for a newspaper. I more often than not have to cut articles down to the core, relevant parts. There's a fine line between "relevant background" and "interesting background". In your case, you have a firebender who lives on a farm and sells wares in Ba Sing Se. That he sells and makes jewelry is relevant (why is he on the train to Ba Sing Se?). That he makes the jewelry by melting rocks he finds lying around is interesting but not relevant. Broad strokes takes it down to the minimum. Even with your two more points, you have six lines of data, rather than a short story's worth. That's what broad strokes are. You asked, I gave, but your character is fine as is. Also, none of what you wrote is "showing" the audience. The dialogue is, but [I]as an editor[/I] I would have cut it out. [B]I am not telling you you're wrong.[/b] You do the showing in the IC, if it becomes necessary. Flashbacks are your friend. [/quote] I tend to avoid flashbacks in IC. I come from RP and Writing background. As a GM I like a members whose history is clear. As you put it earlier, ammunition from the plot. The more given to a GM, the more they can draw later. Writing creatively is nowhere near the same as editing for a newspaper which has different guidelines. I gave just enough information, I like to add quirks and details to the character to flesh them out. Is all the information relevant, No. But is all the information Relevant, Yes. Little details even the ones that seem not relevant make a character feel like a person. Board strokes is a generalization and to me comes off as rather lazy writing. edit- Or what I should be saying is that core information is perfect for newspaper writing and articles. I would know as I have done journalism in the past myself. Not as an editor, but a writer. The requirements as a writer for journalism and creative writing are vastly different. Journalism is about news, information, the meat and potatoes. That core board strokes you are talking about. I was confused as to why you would use it in a creative function outlet. Creative Writing, especially RP. I take as loose character practice and story writing. It isn't just about core information. It's about creating a character who feels believable with both the core information, that is relevant. And fundamentally little information that isn't relevant to the story, but to the character to flesh them out as a human being.