"Ah, so you do have a sense of style after all." Holden quipped in response to Izzy's compliment, almost reflexively. He paused for a moment, and added, "Don't read into that too much. I think it's a facet of my childish personality that I bully people that I'm fond of. Kind of like pulling the pigtails of a girl you like when you're very young." He shrugged, and when Izzy asked if he needed help with his errand, he had another thoughtful pause before saying, "No, you see, I was actually meaning to ask you something along those lines. Let me explain. Since the [i]incident[/i] last week, I think I've inadvertently become rather close with both you and Riley. We shared what I would readily describe as a very intimate experience. I think you're the same way, Izzy, but I'm not one for having many friends. In fact before last week, I didn't have any. I don't mind having close friends, but I prefer for those relationships to be equitable. Both you and Riley did me a great service, and while Riley extracted recompense in money, I feel as though I still owe you something." Holden stopped again, letting what he had said thus far sink in, before continuing. "I'm not trying to weasel out of a debt, I just feel that not paying a return to you would put us on unequal footing as friends, and hinder our relationship." He looked at Izzy quite seriously, but she wasn't yet at a level of reading him like she was with Trevor or Riley. It was hard to discern if he had ulterior motives. "I'm being quite serious. In the spirit of solidarity, I'll do any one thing that you ask. Just the one, but it can be anything. World domination, eternal life, or to defeat the Saiyans on their way to Earth." He said the last part in his same, deadpan tone, so it took Izzy a moment to realize it was a joke. "I could speak with a southern accent for a month, wear a dress to school for the remainder of the semester, or mow your lawn for you shirtless. Ah, I see how your eyes changed with that last one. Pervert." Again, completely serious in tone, but he continued to joke around. Izzy wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to that.