[color=8dc73f][b][h3][center]Sajan[/center][/h3][/b][/color] So far, so good, or so it seemed. He didn't even seem remotely concerned that someone that clearly didn't belong in here had just walked up and talked to him. Was he stupid, horny, or just that drunk? Quite possibly all three. There was a time when mistaking her for a Pakistani might have earned him an earful of bile, but Sajan had become somewhat used to this type of ignorance in her time abroad. [color=8dc73f]"No, handsome, just regular old India."[/color] Although he seemed like a moron, she wondered if she shouldn't give him credit for knowing Pakistan even existed. [color=8dc73f]"Can we get something strong for this fine gentleman?"[/color] She called out to the bartender. It didn't matter how much it would cost, seeing as the objective was to get this guy disposed of cleanly. [color=8dc73f]"So..."[/color] Sajan began. [color=8dc73f]"...I'll be on the level with you. I came here looking for a good time, and you're the best looking guy in this joint."[/color] Which might be true to a certain degree, but Sajan definitely didn't find him all that physically appealing. But this was all about appealing to his ego, and a guy like this HAD to have an ego. [color=8dc73f]"What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere private? Intimate, if you will. I'd like to teach you what the words "Kama Sutra" mean...if you know what I mean."[/color] A lot of people had heard of the Kama Sutra, especially those with dirty minds. Sajan was banking on the ignorance of this man, however, in the sense that he wouldn't know the Kama Sutra was actually a fairly boring description of sexual activity. Even if he was so ignorant he didn't know what the Kama Sutra was, he would surely not be dense enough to completely miss her obvious hints. [color=fff200][i]'This feels wrong...'[/i][/color] A thought from the Guru passed through her head. [color=8dc73f][i]'Guru Ji, please, you know I'm pretending for the greater good.'[/i][/color] She knew that the Guru would find this distasteful. [color=fff200][i]'No, not that. Well, yes, that, but something else feels off. I just can't place it...'[/i][/color] Upon his words, Sajan noted that she did feel a strangeness to the room. But she pushed such thoughts aside for now, as whether something was up or not, she needed to focus on getting this guy out of here, and randomly poking around might only make things worse. [@The Irish Tree]